One Grain of Sand

Kat Watson
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2023
A galaxy of stars in the vast emptiness of space
Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash

The familiarity of that feeling was almost comforting.


I’d prepared for this. I’d studied who was going to be in attendance, I knew their professions, I knew their accomplishments, and I knew I had it all ready to go.

I had worked so hard. I rehearsed what I was going to say about a million times. So much so that on the drive over, I actually impressed myself with how confident I sounded.

But now I was here.

All those faces stared up at me. A galaxy of navy and black business suits, with a few constellations of smart dresses and expensive handbags, dotted about.

And me.

A tiny, insignificant grain of sand, lost in the infinite blackness of corporate space.

This was the final frontier, and I was spinning deeper and deeper into myself, deeper into the nothingness that consumed me.

I was so used to that feeling. The inconsequential. The irrelevant. The pointless.

But I forced my mouth open to speak, and I was shocked at the authority that tumbled out. Perhaps all that rehearsal really worked.

These corporate planets gazed up at this minuscule grain of sand with interest and intrigue, and I felt my gravitational force grow.

By the end, I even had my own satellites. Me!

Was this how planets were formed?

Kat Watson is a professional ghostwriter. She usually writes fantasy/romance, but her main passion is horror. She loves all things dark and weird, and one of her favourite reviews she’s received included the phrase: “It’s a bit too gory.” As a dyslexic Yorkshire lass, the spellings will be British, but the grammar is a work in progress.

This was from a prompt from January by @Zane Dickens — “Approaching the Inmost Cave.” It’s not my darkest work or the most fantastical, but it is a real fear of mine. The imposter syndrome is strong in this one.



Kat Watson

Ghostwriter by trade. Lover of dark fiction, fitness, and funny stuff. BSc in Psychology, and just trying to find a place for my writing.