Go to Micron
Micron is a podcast by me, Ron Stauffer. However, it isn’t a podcast about me. It’s about what I’ve seen, lessons I’ve learned, things I’ve tried or discovered, things I’ve failed at, and, most importantly, it’s about the people I’ve met along the way.
Note from the editor

Micron is a podcast by me, Ron Stauffer. However, it isn’t a podcast about me. It’s about what I’ve seen, lessons I’ve learned, things I’ve tried or discovered, things I’ve failed at, and, most importantly, it’s about the people I’ve met along the way.

Go to the profile of Ron Stauffer
Ron Stauffer
Solopreneur for 16+ years specializing in web dev/digital marketing. Husband, father of 5 kids. Now writing at: https://ronstauffer.substack.com.