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Microscaling Systems
Microscaling Systems
Containers, microservices and infrastructure
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Microscaling MicroBadger

We’re using Microscaling to scale our own production MicroBadger Kubernetes deployment in real time. Here’s the story of what we did, and the benefits we’ve seen already.

MicroBadger lets you view the metadata for any image on Docker Hub. To do this it queries…

Using container labels for Kubernetes deployment

Just before the holidays, Kelsey Hightower joined us for a webinar on container metadata. Here’s a great demo he did during the session, showing how you can use a Dockerfile label to identify the Kubernetes deploy file. We’ve built on this t0…

Dockerfile security tuneup

I recently watched 2 great talks on container security by Justin Cormack from Docker at Devoxx Belgium and Adrian Mouat from Container Solutions at GOTO Stockholm. We were following many of the suggestions but there was still room for improvement. So we decided it was good time to…

New in beta! Inspect your private Docker images

MicroBadger now helps your dependency management and pre-deployment vetting for private as well as public images