How to run your DevOps using Kubernetes

Bishoy Labib
Microservices for .NET Developers
6 min readNov 9, 2018


This post is part of a series: Introduction to Microservices for .NET Developers

DevOps life-cycle using containers

In previous posts of this series we explained the life-cycle of DevOps for containers. And we talked about:

Best Practices

Consider the following best practices during your implementation:

  • Use Kubernetes namespaces for different projects/environments. For example: projectname-dev, projectname-test, projectname-staging. This allows the required separation between pods/services inside each namespace, allowing to create the same service name in multiple environments. Also allowing to delete a complete environment by deleting its namespace.
  • Use same docker image for deploying in multiple environments and use Kubernetes ConfigMaps (will explain shortly below) to change the configuration files (database connections or urls).
  • Name external resources like what you named Kubernetes namespaces. For example: database names, urls routes like or file system folders for content, environment names in…



Bishoy Labib
Microservices for .NET Developers

Software Architect building cloud products with microservices, .NET, Node and Kubernetes