Introduction to Microservices for .NET developers

Bishoy Labib
Microservices for .NET Developers
1 min readSep 8, 2018

Being a .NET developer working on the Microsoft stack for sometime. You are working on Visual Studio on Windows, know about .NET Core, may be some front-end framework like Angular and probably familiar with hosting your apps on Azure. But the new age has come and things starting to shift towards open source, containers, Linux and microservices. And you are not familiar with these.

Trying to log into the microservices world, I found it a bit hard to find resources that are focused on .NET developers. You will find random bits and pieces that are not sequential. Most of the documentations assume you are using Linux, SSH, Docker… with a page for other stacks that is very brief.

So I decided to start this series, that will talk about concepts, tools, installations, design patterns and needed software components that you will need to start your next microservices product development. Containers, Docker, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, gRPC are in the coming topics.

Read next

  1. Containers, Docker explained..
  2. Installing and trying Docker for Windows
  3. Building your first .NET Core container
  4. How to run your DevOps using Docker containers
  5. What is microservices and why is it different?
  6. What is Kubernetes?
  7. Deploying your first app to Kubernetes
  8. Exposing your application to the public (Ingress)
  9. How to run your DevOps using Kubernetes



Bishoy Labib
Microservices for .NET Developers

Software Architect building cloud products with microservices, .NET, Node and Kubernetes