Professional KPI series 3 Part 2-The Column and Line Charts

Shashanka Shekhar
Microsoft Power BI
Published in
5 min readMar 16, 2024

Power BI is a platform that allows you to connect to various data sources, transform and model your data, and create interactive dashboards and reports. Power BI can help you gain insights from your data and communicate them effectively.

What is a KPI?

A KPI, or a key performance indicator, is a measurable target that shows how well an individual or a business is performing in terms of meeting their goals. KPIs can be financial, such as net profit or revenue, or nonfinancial, such as customer satisfaction or retention. KPIs help organizations track their progress and make informed decisions to improve their outcomes.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Building the KPI

We will be making this KPI:

The Professional KPI we will be making

Here we have YTD, PYTD and YoY calculations followed by a line chart and a column chart of current year sales.

About this part of the series

This is the Part 2 of the series. In Part 1, we built the KPI cards , use this link to check it out. In this part we will be making the column and the line charts.

Part 2-The Area Chart

In this part we will be making these Chart:

Bar and Line Charts

Both these charts require the [profit_per_order] of our main table ecommerce_data and Monthname and Year from our calendar table Calender which we created in Part 1.

1.Creating the Column Chart:

To create the Column chart head to Visualizations and in Build visual select Stacked column chart. Now select the chart and in X-axis put Monthname and in Y- axis put Sum of profit_per_order which is our profit metric.

Build visual settings

Now the initial generated chart is for all the years in the table but we need the chart only for the current or latest year for which first select the chart and then put Year from calendar table in Filters pane, then choose Basic filtering from the Filter type and select the latest year from the list, in my case it is 2022.

Filter settings

Now head to Format visual then Visual then expand Columns and in Color use Hex Code #A0D1FF, then expand Layout and in Space between categories use 30%.

Now expand X-axis and turn off Title and in Values choose White, 30% darker as the Color, next for Y-axis turn off both Title and in Values.

X-axis settings
Y-axis settings

Finally our column chart is completed.

The Final Column Chart

2.Creating the Line Chart:

To create the Line chart head to Visualizations and in Build visual select Line chart. Now select the chart and in X-axis put Monthname and in Y- axis put Sum of profit_per_order which is our profit metric.

Build visual settings

Like in column chart first select the chart and then put Year from calendar table in Filters pane, then choose Basic filtering from the Filter type and select the latest year from the list, in my case it is 2022.

Filter settings

Then go to Format visual and in Visual turn off Legend, then expand X-axis and Y-axis one by one and turn off Values and Title.

X-axis settings repeat the same for Y-axis

Now expand Lines then expand Colors and use Hex Code #2788E3.

Colors settings

With this our line chart is created.

The Final Line Chart

3.Final Formatting and arranging the Charts:

Select any chart then go to General in Format visual and turn off Title, expand Effects and turn off Background.

General settings

Repeat the same for the other chart.

With any chart selected use Bring forward and Send backward from Format at the top to keep the Line chart forward and Column chart backward.

Adjust to keep Line chart forward and column chart backward

With this Part 2 is done, I hope it was easy and informative, to go to Part 3 refer the below links.

To go to Part 3 of the Professional KPI series 3 refer to this link.

To go to Part 1 of the Professional KPI series 3 refer to this link.

To create a KPI with a sign refer to this link.

To conditional format a KPI refer to this link.

To create PMTD Sales KPI refer to this link.

To read more stories like this you can follow me with this link.

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Shashanka Shekhar
Microsoft Power BI

Contributor for Microsoft Power BI. I like Data Analysis and Data Science. Also I enjoy sports, videogames and Japanese Anime in my free time.