Unveiling Mighty Action Heroes and our US$10M fundraise led by Framework Ventures

Mary-Anne Lee
Mighty Bear Games
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2022

We’ve been heads down in stealth mode for a bit, but it’s finally time to announce our new game, Mighty Action Heroes & our latest fundraise!

Our US$10m fundraising round has been led by Framework Ventures, and includes additional investment from Mirana, Sfermion, Spartan, Dune Ventures, Sanctor Capital, Folius Ventures, Ocular, Polygon, Play Future Fund, Everblue, Ancient8, Ready Player DAO, Razer, Avocado DAO, DWeb3, Great South Gate, mrblock and more.

“At Mighty Bear, we believe first and foremost, in games being fun. web3 is already here, but in many ways, its games are lagging behind — lacking the imaginative gameplay and polish the wider gaming community has come to expect. Many existing blockchain games feel like work, with players grinding away at often dull and unrewarding gameplay in exchange for financial gain, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Our approach to Mighty Bear Games’ blockchain division is and always will be games-first and fun-focused, with ways for players to own assets and earn from them built naturally into the game experience. We’re proud to be backed by such a stellar line-up of investors who have the conviction and foresight to be supporting teams in this ‘bear’ market. They truly are the ‘mighty’ ones.”

Simon Davis, Mighty Bear Games CEO

Mighty Action Heroes will be our latest spin on the battle royale genre, featuring action heroes (and their associated tropes) from the 80s to the present, and will see you duking it out in real time with up to 59 other players per round. It’ll build on our expertise in developing genre-defining experiences from scratch and breaking down complex genres into accessible gameplay while keeping what makes it fun.

When I met the Mighty Bear Games team for the first time, I was impressed by the team’s ability to ship competitive, high quality games very quickly. I have a vision of what an ideal web3 game would look like, and on sharing that with the team I realised that we are very much aligned.

A great web3 game needs to be fun, competitive, be web3-native, have a DAO and governance, as well as focus on earnability, sustainability, and a bit more I can’t share yet. I decided to join once I was sure how seriously they take all of this. I’m absolutely stoked to be bringing my experience from building MyCryptoHeroes, Yield Guild Games, and BlackPool into the team to create the next evolution of blockchain gaming together.

— Michael Arnold, Mighty Bear Games Web3 Lead

Mighty Action Heroes will be powered by Polygon, the leading carbon-neutral Ethereum scaling solution designed to improve Ethereum functionality and promote infrastructure development. We’ll also receive support from Polygon Studios in the form of funding, marketing, technical advice, strategy and ecosystem support. We’re looking to have it hit early access by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, we’ll also release a genesis PFP collection ahead of the launch. Expect this NFT PFP collection to offer immense utility both within the game and beyond. PFP holders will also get early access to Mighty Action Heroes and collect in-game rewards and cosmetic items when the game. The PFP collection will be announced fairly soon, so make sure to follow Mighty Action Heroes directly for the latest updates!

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You can learn more about the game and get an early preview of what it’ll look like here.

