Introducing CEO Squads @Mighty

Mighty Business
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2020


We’re super excited to announce the launch of CEO Squads — a weekly virtual club that helps young entrepreneurs level up by learning from other Bosses! Each week our young CEOs will hear from some of the brightest minds in the world of business about what it takes to be an entrepreneur and then take those learnings to apply to their Mighty businesses, while also hanging out with their squad. So yeah — it’s the best of both worlds!

You can sign up your child for CEO Squads here.

How CEO Squads Work:

  1. Each week we pick a new theme — from marketing to design, communication to finance, with the objective to empower our CEOs with the necessary skills to build their business & to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset.
  2. Our guest speaker for the week, kicks off the session by talking about their entrepreneurial journey and sharing best practices for the theme of the week with Mighty CEOs. Check out some of our incredible speakers here!
  3. Our CEOs then move into breakouts, with their pre-selected squad and complete tasks and challenges based on the learnings shared by the guest speaker.
  4. All CEOs then return to the common room to share their completed tasks, give feedback and applaud each other’s achievements!
  5. Lastly, we pick a ‘Squad of the Week’, that has completed the weekly challenge successfully!

How to get your child signed up for CEO Squads:

  1. Once your child’s Mighty shop is published, you can sign them up for CEO Squads. Need help publishing their store? Here’s a guide.
  2. Next register your child to join CEO Squads. Squads are free to join and open to any CEO who has published a shop on Mighty.
  3. Each Mighty CEO can make their own Squad by inviting a minimum of 2 and maximum 6 friends to join in.
  4. Once the squad is registered, we’ll schedule everyone for the next weekly CEO Squads. We share the each week’s theme, introducing the guest speaker a couple days in advance — so you know what to expect!
  5. We’ll also share some parent resources to help you engage with your child on each week’s tasks and challenges.
  6. Mighty Coaches are on-call to answer any questions and provide support to any of the squads, during the breakouts.

Why Squads work?

We’ve found that having a dedicated time on the calendar to work on your business is critical to kids’ success. Think of it like any activity you want to excel at — you won’t become a great soccer player without scheduled time to practice with your team each week. We see absolute magic in the combination of inspiration + collaboration with friends + exciting new challenges to motivate kids to learn and take action.

Have questions about CEO Squads? Write to us at

See you at Mighty!



Mighty Business

Helping kids realize their power and fulfill their potential through entrepreneurship.