This Month At Mighty

Mighty Business
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2020

A Newsletter for the adults in the Mighty family!

Hey There!

We’re on a mission to empower kids through entrepreneurship and parents are an integral part of this journey. We’re excited to launch ‘This Month At Mighty’, especially for our growing parent community. From launches to community updates to exciting opportunities for our young CEOs, let’s get you up to speed on all things Mighty!

Public Beta, New Website, Parents Hub!

We’re thrilled to announce that Mighty is now in public beta starting this week! That means, any parent can sign up their kids for Mighty, without an access code. So if you know a bright, young CEO of the future, get them started! Also, we recently re-launched the Mighty website with a brand new look and tons more information on our mission and the team. As part of the redesign, we also created a Parent section to answer most frequently asked questions and share our promise to parents. Feedback welcome!

Rolling Out CEO Squads To All CEOs

In September, we piloted CEO Squads, a program that aims to inspire, educate and encourage our young CEOs. You can read all about how we’re making Squads even better starting next week. We’ve gotten super encouraging feedback from parents and CEOs alike and are excited to roll out the program more widely. Please fill this form to sign up your kid for CEO Squads.

Product, FTW: Simplifying Emails For CEOs

Our CEOs asked to make emailing easier and as an adult whose work revolves around emails, I couldn’t agree more! We’ve introduced a series of email templates in product that our CEOs can choose from and customize to their requirements. You can check out the templates in your Mighty account, just login and navigate to the “Marketing” tab.

How To Support Your CEO This Month

Parents are part of a young CEOs senior management team. They are looking at you for advice and inspiration, encouragement and support. Most of our CEOs need a little nudge to market their business. So we made it easier for parents to help their kids with marketing by adding a social sharing link right on the store front. You can now directly share your child’s Mighty store on your social handles — FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and even on text or email.

Little Treats for Mighty CEOs

Halloween’s different this year and we’re all trying to make the best of it. Our friends at Kid Made Modern are hosting a virtual Halloween Bash for kids on Instagram Live Saturday, 10/31 at 12pm CST. Join in for some halloween crafts, music and more. We’re also happy to bring two exclusive offers from Hedley & Bennett and Kid Made Modern for our Mighty community. Ellen, the founder of Hedley & Bennett and Danielle, the head of marketing at Kid Made Modern, were super excited to come talk to our CEOs through Squads. You can check out all exclusive to Mighty offers here.

And that’s a wrap on the first edition of ‘This Month At Mighty’! Please feel free to reach out with any questions, thoughts or feedback for what you’d like to see next from Mighty! You can reach us at

Take care,

Team Mighty



Mighty Business

Helping kids realize their power and fulfill their potential through entrepreneurship.