Unlocking You — UX Heuristic 10 of 10: “Help and Documentation”, Applied to You

Transform your life using the fundamentals of interaction design.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System
7 min readMar 30, 2023


This is the 10th and final installment of a groundbreaking 10-part series, “Unlocking You.” In this series, I explore how UX designers can apply Jakob Nielsen’s (NNG) renowned usability heuristics to their own lives for personal growth and self-improvement.

By understanding and leveraging these principles, UX professionals will not only enhance their careers but also transform the way they interact with others and navigate the world around them.

Join me on this journey as we discover the power of being your own best design project.

1 of 10: Visibility of System Status, Applied to You
2 of 10: Match Between System and the Real World, Applied to You
3 of 10: User Control & Freedom, Applied to You
4 of 10: Consistency & Standards, Applied to You
5 of 10: Error Prevention, Applied to You
6 of 10: Recognition Rather than Recall, Applied to You
7 of 10: Flexibility & Efficiency of Use, Applied to You
8 of 10: Aesthetic & Minimalist Design, Applied to You
9 of 10: Help Users Recover from Errors, Applied to You
10 of 10: Help &



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.