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MiLA Capital is a seed-stage venture capital firm that invests in tech you can touch. With a proven track record, MiLA offers a bespoke, dynamic experience with access to hard and soft resources.
Note from the editor

MiLA Capital is a seed-stage venture capital firm that invests in tech you can touch. With a proven track record, MiLA offers a bespoke, dynamic experience with access to hard and soft resources.

Go to the profile of MiLA Capital
MiLA Capital
The SoCal epicenter of hardware entrepreneurship and innovation. Partnered w/ @ToolboxLA @NEOSolves #CSUN and @1111_ACC.
Go to the profile of Kevin Meyer
Kevin Meyer
Designer | Maker | ☕️ Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Noramay Cadena
Noramay Cadena
Managing Partner @MiLACapital #earlystage #venturecapital | @MIT grad*3 | Former @Boeing | Co-founder @LatinasinSTEM @LatinxVCs | Lead @Portfolia1
Go to the profile of shaun arora
Go to the profile of Noramay Cadena
Noramay Cadena
Managing Partner @MiLACapital #earlystage #venturecapital | @MIT grad*3 | Former @Boeing | Co-founder @LatinasinSTEM @LatinxVCs | Lead @Portfolia1
Go to the profile of MiLA Capital
MiLA Capital
The SoCal epicenter of hardware entrepreneurship and innovation. Partnered w/ @ToolboxLA @NEOSolves #CSUN and @1111_ACC.
Go to the profile of shaun arora
Go to the profile of Kevin Meyer
Kevin Meyer
Designer | Maker | ☕️ Enthusiast