Xennial or Millennial? Turns Out, You Can Be Both

Midnight Young
Millennial Muse
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2024
AI-generated image (Magic Studios by Canva)

I recently found out I’m a zillennial. Digging into the subtleties of micro-generations, I realised older millennials fall into one too! Meet the xennials!

According to the Business Insider, people born between 1977 and 1985 fall into the xennial micro-generation. Other sources suggest different dates. I suppose it’s up for debate!..

This is a micro-generation of people who lived through the tech evolution (and feel immense nostalgia towards flip phones!..). I also stumbled upon the Oregon Trail Generation term as it seems to represent xennials — it’s a game that was popular when they were younger.

Why do we need a micro-generation?

The same as zillennials, xennials have been born and lived through immense societal and technological changes. Younger millennials might not remember a Walkman, whereas the older millennials had to speak to a parent before getting to talk to their friend (because mobile phones weren’t mainstream!..).

What characterises xennials?

  • Technological innovation: they grew up with analogue, but were exposed to digital early enough to adopt it.
  • Xennials were not exposed to social media until they were adults.
  • A healthy dose of cynicism is what makes a xennial happier than a typical Gen X’er but more spicy than your usual millennial.
  • Witnessed massive societal and demographical changes, and experienced political and economic turmoil.

Mix and match: analogue vs digital

Xennials grew up with analogue technology but came to experience innovation and the boom of the internet and computers in their teen years. They had a mobile phone for most of their life, but it probably came to them only at around the age of 18 or so.

This segment of people finds a funny balance between tech and analogue practices. For example, they’ll find an interesting item on their phone but will buy it through a laptop. Instead of marking the delivery date on their Google calendar, they will scribble it down on the paper planner.

The concept of freedom

This micro-generation grew up constrained but experienced a societal shift. Freedom of speech, liberal views, increased women’s rights and debates on equality, diversity and inclusion. This micro-generation promoted difficult topics and fought for a more inclusive environment that benefited younger millennials and Gen Z.

Work and life

According to Indeed, xennials in the workplace are incredibly adaptable, inclusive and eager to learn. As consumers, this micro-generation can be difficult. Businesses view xennials as opportunists because they mix and match between the analogue and the digital.

They’re also difficult to target because this group tends to have a variety of jobs. Xennials usually have a standard job, but they’ve been exposed to the gig economy and like many millennials they regularly tap into it.

It’s also difficult to understand how old they are and what’s their family status — this group can have young children as much as they can have kids who are already in college.

However, xennials are a group who maintain their attention — doom scrolling is not their thing. Therefore brands are dying to tap into this audience — if they see what they like, they will buy it. And probably stick to it.

All in all, many say xennials are the best of the newest micro-generations because they’ve experienced such incredible technological and societal change, but avoided cyberbullying and other related issues.

Xennials also lived through unique economic, political and societal changes. As a result, they’re a special demographic group that values equality, diversity, and transparency but seeks authenticity.

Lastly, xennials balance between analogue and digital — and it’s beyond consumerism practices, it applies to their work and life too.

Are you a pureblooded millennial, or do you fall into a micro-generation?



Midnight Young
Millennial Muse

Baltic soul, British heart, living under American skies. I explore the multicultural identity, but don't shy away from fantasy and mazes of real life.