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Talk.js meet up presentation

Yesterday I gave a speech on talk.js meet up. My presentation’s title was JavaScript for the rest of us. It was on vue.js actually. The title is little weird as the context is different. My motivation was, I am going to introduce vue.js to those group, whose are actually backend…

My book took the first place of bestseller list of rokomari.com

My book Laravel PHP Web Framework was released on 26th May, 2015. This is my first book, and I am very happy to see my book on www.rokomari.com's bestseller list.

phpXperts Meetup-01 Presentation

I give a speech on first phpXperts meetup on 30th May, 2015 at Hubdhaka. Here is the presentation of that slide. The main focus of my talk was the new features that are coming with Laravel PHP Framework 5.1.