Positive Good Morning Affirmations For Men, Women and Success — Receive Powerful Miracles

Peter Paxton
Mind Altar
Published in
10 min readMar 1, 2022

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.”

- Jim Ron

Positive good morning affirmations for women and main can work miracles and bring in a lot of success. We believe that habits are the first and foremost step to success. So, if you want to compare the results on your own, we’d highly suggest you look at the habits of both the successful and unsuccessful people in this world. And, there’s no shortage of that catchy element of attractive factor you will always find in the daily routines of successful people.

They are always motivated, energetic, and driven to a goal by practicing one or two creative habits daily.

If you also wish to be on the high energy mode throughout the day, simply start with the morning. Just inform your subconscious that you are worthy of achieving goals and signal that you already are successful through the most powerful good morning affirmations.

And, this is what the gist of the law of attraction tells us to do!

A Quick List Of 99+ Positive Morning Affirmations Of The Day.

To become a powerful creator, you have to shift your energies to something unique and highly effective affirmations for today. See the magic of transforming lives in incredible ways through these good morning affirmations.

You can repeat these phrases once or twice daily and say them aloud in your mind.

So, let’s begin the list without any further delay!

Positive Morning Affirmations For Women

1. I have the power to change my own story.

2. I select to stop apologizing for being me.

3. I have enough. I do enough. I am enough.

4. I am filled with joy and gratitude for who I am

5. I am a beautiful vessel of love and magic.

6. I am bold, brave, and strong.

7. I release all doubts and insecurities about myself.

8. I have beautiful qualities to offer this world.

9. I love everything I see and I see everything with loving eyes.

10. I am happy with my soul, and I treat it with love and respect.

11. I am now building the life I love.

12. I will not lose track until I have tried everything.

13. I believe in the path that I have selected.

14. I will only compare myself to myself.

15. I am a capable, smart, and brilliant woman.

16. I am healthy, and I am loved.

17. I am safe, and I am well.

18. I am fully responsible for my future.

19. I will relax my mind and stop thinking about false stories.

20. I can modify the world with what I do.

21. My thankful heart is a magnet that attracts everything I desire.

22. I understand that I am always whole and complete.

23. Affirmations work for me, and as I repeat these, they’ve become true.

24. I am in vibration with the beat of wealth.

25. I am magnificent.

26. I am tenacious.

27. Today, I will listen to my inner guidance.

28. I follow through on my commitments to myself.

29. Happiness is a choice. Today, I choose to be happy.

30. I’m disciplined, inspired, and energized.

31. I control my energy and thoughts.

32. I nourish my soul, mind, and body every day.

33. I walk through life one step at a time.

Positive Morning Affirmations For Men

1. I believe in the process of becoming a better version of myself.

2. My strongest desires are being fulfilled now.

3. I can change my thoughts.

4. I am in touch with my emotions.

5. I boldly approach every challenge.

6. I’m good with who I am.

7. I’m resilient. I can handle this.

8. I can only control what I do; I can’t control what they think, feel, or say.

9. I am the best person I know.

10. People enjoy my company.

11. I bravely strive for what I want for life.

12. I’m confident in social situations.

13. I no longer need approval or recognition from others.

14. I developed the power of my mind through meditation and positive affirmations.

15. My dreams transform into reality before my eyes.

16. Everything happening now is happening for my good.

17. I am blessed with a wonderful family and beautiful friends.

18. Many people recognize my worth and look up to me.

19. I deserve to be employed and embrace my ideas, time, and efforts.

20. My ability to conquer my challenge is limitless.

21. My potential to succeed is infinite.

22. I have a powerful masculine presence.

23. I’m courageous enough to step into tense situations.

24. I’m fearless at all times.

25. I’m an inspiring mentor to others.

26. I’m powerful beyond all measures.

27. My voice is deep, masculine, and steady.

28. I always express how I feel.

29. My voice is heard above all else.

30. Women are drawn to me.

31. My masculinity allows women to be more comfortable around me.

32. I lead myself and others to glory.

33. Being my friend is the best possible choice anyone can make.

Positive Morning Affirmations For Success

1. Today, I am prepared for success, love, and happiness.

2. I am the architect of my fate.

3. I embrace the abundance of everything in my life.

4. I am capable of achieving greatness.

5. I’m committed to achieving success in every area of my life.

6. My body, mind, and spirit are profound and powerful.

7. I am self-sufficient, resilient, and creative.

8. Abundance flows freely through me.

9. Life is bringing me beautiful experiences.

10. Today is an amazing day to be alive!

11. My mind is open to exciting and new possibilities.

12. I’m enjoying my work today.

13. The universe is filled with limitless opportunities for me and my career.

14. I’m always eager to explore new avenues to success.

15. Creating solutions comes naturally to me.

16. I trust my intuition.

17. I stay focused on my vision and work with passion.

18. I attract brilliant mentors.

19. I step outside my comfort zone with confidence and courage.

20. I am an effective communicator and a patient listener.

21. I thrive under pressure, and I’m free of stress.

22. I set high standards for myself and lived up to my expectations.

23. I’m living to my full potential.

24. My mind is clear of self-doubt.

25. I have unlimited power.

26. I am, and always will be, enough.

27. I’m incredibly passionate about creating a positive change in my life.

28. This body supports me.

29. I quickly create wealth.

30. I’m successful.

31. I’m a constant source of flowing creativity.

32. I have a limitless supply of profitable ideas.

33. The world is mine for the taking.

Positive Morning ‘I am’ Affirmations

1. I move forward with my aims.

2. I’m ready for a new beginning.

3. I’m prepared to take action.

4. I’m thankful for the fresh start.

5. I’m proud of how far I’ve come.

6. I’m committed to creating a productive and positive life.

7. I’m in total control of my life.

8. I’m excited about my potential.

9. I’m ready to live the life of my dreams.

10. I’m prepared to be my best self in 2022.

11. I’m consistent, and I’m powerful.

12. I’m in alignment with my dreams.

13. I’m freeing myself of all the negative thoughts and anxiety.

14. I’m proud of all my accomplishments.

15. I’m going to create healthy habits.

16. I’m capable of achieving everything I want.

17. I’m ready to experience whatever this day has in store.

18. I’m receptive to opportunities.

19. Today, I’m confident.

20. Today, I’m grateful.

21. Today, I’m strong.

22. I’m beautiful.

23. I’m positive.

24. I’m peaceful and relaxed.

25. I’m fortunate.

26. I’m living my dream to come true.

27. I’m bountiful and affluent.

28. I’m kind to myself, so I can operate at high frequency and attract abundance.

29. Every day I’m becoming more and more prosperous.

30. My wealth derives from honesty in everything I do.

31. Money always flows to me easily.

32. All my needs are met instantaneously.

33. I’m magnetic to money, and it is magnetic to me.

Positive Morning Affirmations For Gratitude

1. I’m grateful to feel the breath in my lungs.

2. I’m grateful that my heart is beating.

3. I’m grateful for the opportunities possible today.

4. I’m grateful for this body and vow to treat it well.

5. I’m grateful for my mind and commit to using it well.

6. I thank the universe for the family and friends in my life.

7. I’m grateful for the food I’m eating.

8. Thank you for the sun.

9. Thank you for the vegetables.

10. Thank you for the clouds in the sky.

11. Thank you for the water.

12. Thank you for my healthy organs.

13. Thank you for the ability to taste.

14. Thank you for a healthy appetite.

15. Thank you for my excellent taste buds.

16. Thank you for my unlimited prosperity.

17. Thank you for my source of income.

18. Today, I’ll follow my bliss at every turn.

19. Today, I will see the good in everything and everyone.

20. I’m so happy to be here in this world.

21. I’m grateful for the universe for helping me find abundance and joy.

22. I appreciate the beautiful nature around me.

23. I appreciate the unconditional support from my friends and family.

24. I’m blessed to do what I love in life.

25. I’m thankful for myself.

26. I’m grateful for my tenacious attitude.

27. I’m grateful that I have so much to be grateful for.

28. I’m grateful for my freedom.

29. I’m grateful to give and receive love.

30. I’m grateful for all the high standards that I pursue.

31. I’m grateful for my education and awareness.

32. I intend for life always to be working in my favor.

33. I feel amazing in my body.

Positive Morning Affirmations For Confidence

1. I’m growing and changing for the better.

2. I’m smart, competent, and capable.

3. I’m confident in my abilities.

4. I’m strong.

5. I’m comfortable and calm in social situations.

6. I love the person I’m becoming.

7. My self-confidence is vital.

8. I boldly accomplish what I want in life.

9. I confidently meet every challenge.

10. I speak my mind with respect for myself and others.

11. Confidence is my nature and birthright.

12. Confidence allows me to live life to the fullest.

13. Feeling confident is simply who I’m.

14. I accept myself.

15. I approve of myself.

16. I’m unique, and we all are amazing.

17. All of my problems have solutions.

18. I embrace change and easily adjust to new situations.

19. I’m content with my life.

20. My challenges help me grow.

21. I’m stronger than my fears.

22. I can express my true self.

23. I accept compliments from others.

24. It’s okay to fail because that’s the road to success.

25. I learn something from every experience.

26. I take full responsibility for who I’m in life.

27. Every day is another chance to shine.

28. Life is unfolding wonderfully.

29. I feel optimistic about the day ahead.

30. I feel grateful for the ability to see.

31. I feel grateful for the ability to hear.

32. I feel like a good luck magnet.

33. I feel my vibration rising.

Positive Morning Affirmations For Self Love

1. I appreciate myself just as I am.

2. I’m strong and beautiful.

3. I treat myself well.

4. I’m worthy of my desires.

5. I have the unique talents that the world requires.

6. I’m worthy of prosperity and love.

7. I believe in my magic.

8. I take good care of myself.

9. I have so much to offer the world.

10. I attract fantastic opportunities and people in my life.

11. I deserve all that is good.

12. My voice.

13. I radiate self-respect, confidence, and inner harmony.

14. I’m humble and wise.

15. My tension is melting away.

16. I’m reclaiming my power.

17. I’m naturally stress-free.

18. I’m letting go of my worries.

19. I have endless strength.

20. I’m okay with the things I can’t change.

21. I’m in balance and harmony with myself.

22. Everything is under control.

23. I honor my life’s path.

24. No one is perfect.

25. I shine like a diamond.

26. I’m a gift to the world.

27. I respect my limitations and am thankful for the opportunities that I have.

28. I allow good things to happen for me.

29. I open myself up to love and happiness.

30. I find being happy easier and easier.

31. Joy now fills my life.

32. Positive people are drawn to me.

33. I’m like a magnet to positivity.

Final Words

These powerful morning affirmations are the most productive tools to achieve your goals and live the ultimate life you crave for. They help remove all the negative thoughts from your mind and bombard it with all the prosperous and positive thoughts you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

These affirmations further help you transition your I Can’t with I Can. Above, we’ve compiled a list of morning affirmations you can recall straight away. And, if you’re already familiar with the practice of affirmations, we’d love to know your feedback on how such affirmations can magically lead to a positive change in life.



Peter Paxton
Mind Altar

Mental Health Coach, Growth Hacker and Mindset Trainer.