Spring Awakens New Energy

Peter Paxton
Mind Altar
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2021

Spring…a Miraculous time of year… Everything is waking up! As our mind and bodies arise from the quiet slumber of winter. We breathe in the newness of it. You can’t help but feel the pulsating energy all around you!

Everyday we observe trees budding and flowers sprout new growth up from the wet earth. All the birds and animals, give birth new life. Surrounded by all this creation, one can’t help but get caught up in the flow of it!

How does the Spring energy effect you? What new thoughts or ideas can you feel sprouting up from the inside? The excitement of all this change, leads us into a rejuvenated sense of well-being..

Spring reminds us that life does not stand still. That we too, are in a continued state of renewal and growth.

Seeds you plant this spring, ideas you dream, are conjuring up sensations of consciousness to be experienced in the months yet to come… What vacations will you take? What people you will visit? What new relationships will you form? Maybe its a new Job, House or Car? Maybe it’s that trip of a lifetime, to check off that someday list of places you dream of visiting!

It can even be as very simple, as a new practice. Like meditation, exercise, reading or a healthy new habit formed. It doesn’t really matter what the “IT” is. As long as you harness the newness of this energy, in such a way that you feel expansion from it…

Every season promotes a new form of energy. We need only be open to feel where this energy is affecting us and how we can harness it to enhance our lives or those around us.

It’s difficult to stand in a room of positive people and remain in a negative state… Just as you can’t stand in the newness of this Spring season and not feel your own energy levels rising. Take some of the time this week, to sit in stillness, outside in nature, until the core of your being experiences this revitalizing energy of Spring!



Peter Paxton
Mind Altar

Mental Health Coach, Growth Hacker and Mindset Trainer.