The Best Me Is Manifesting My Dreams

Peter Paxton
Mind Altar
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2021

Please take a moment to imagine your life as you want it. Imagine your deepest desires materialized, your relationships blossoming, your dreams realized, and the positive difference you have made in the world around you.

Many of us have taken that moment to imagine at one time or another, only to conclude that the desire is unrealistic, that the dream is impossible, or that we are unworthy of those relationships. Some have even chosen to carry this decision around, allowing it to shape their lives and dictate what they strive for. At this time, at this moment, you can choose to consider another possibility and loosen the grasp that decision has on your life.

So, Who Actually Can?

A good first question to ask yourself could be ‘is that dream that I thought impossible, possible for anyone?’ ‘Is there anyone who could make this dream a reality?’

If the answer is yes, then the next question should be ‘what is the difference between that person who can create that dream and the person who believes that they can’t?’ The answer, I suggest, is the individual themselves. Therefore the most important question to ask and answer is ‘who do I have to be to create the life I desire?’

Now, take a moment to imagine what it would take to make that dream a reality. But more importantly, imagine who you would have to be in order to do what it takes to bring that dream into reality. We all have this person within us, the very best version of ourselves, and that it is within our power to bring out that person, if we are only prepared to do what it takes to grow and evolve into him or her.

Beginning The Journey

Confidence is the belief in oneself and one’s powers and abilities. Therefore the first seed to sow in your journey to manifesting your dreams is the seed that will grow into self-belief.

It is our achievements and successes (whatever that might mean to you) that determine our belief in ourselves and our powers and abilities to create our dreams. And in order to create these successes, we must test the waters by stepping out and taking action, while acknowledging the possibility of initial failure. But it’s in the meaning we place on this failure that could make all the difference to our ultimate success.

Failure Is Feedback

Thomas Edison failed thousands of times while inventing the light bulb, and yet we can still flick a switch and bring instant light to a room, thanks to his invention. That is because he did not see these multiple failures as the ‘fatal end’ that many regards it as. Neither did he see these failures as an excuse or reason why he could not succeed. Instead, he saw this as feedback, and thousands of ways not to create the light-bulb, all the while knowing that he would eventually come across the right way if he kept on going.

A Sense Of Control

Confident people generally have a sense of control over their lives, believing that they will create a way to do what they desire, plan , and expect, no matter what obstacles may present themselves.

Our ‘failures’ (or obstacles) can show us what not to do in order to accomplish our goal, and shine a light on what skills and knowledge we need to pick up to do it better, subsequently directing us toward the right way for us. The obstacles we encounter on our journey, if we let them, can also help us to develop the determination and perseverance we need to succeed, and with each step onward, we became more like that person who can accomplish our dreams.

Gather Along The Way

So, take the time you require to find out what you will need to learn, and how you will need to grow in order to become the person who can make your dreams a reality? What attributes, skills and learnings do you need to pick up on your journey in order to have an unwavering belief in yourself, your powers, and your abilities?



Peter Paxton
Mind Altar

Mental Health Coach, Growth Hacker and Mindset Trainer.