4 Essential Pillars of a Healthy Mind

These pillars can help fight the challenges society brings to our wellbeing.

Saarim Aslam
Mind Cafe


Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels

Society fails our wellbeing.

It’s becoming increasingly tough to develop a healthy mind — as Psychologist and Neuroscientist Dr Richard J. Davidson says.

In a previous post, I went through four challenges within society that make it tough for our wellbeing. These were distractibility, loneliness, negative self-talk and a loss of meaning in life.

It’s helpful to become aware of these factors, but we need to know what we can do to overcome these challenges.

Here are four essential pillars Dr Davidson says are needed to help cultivate a healthy mind.

1. Awareness

As the research shows, the more our mind wanders and the more distracted we are, the more unhappy we become.

Developing a greater awareness of what is going on in the present moment can therefore reduce how distracted we are.

This ultimately creates a healthier mind because our happiness is higher the more focused we are.

Mindfulness is a fantastic way to help cultivate this awareness.

A short mindfulness exercise can involve a raisin or



Saarim Aslam
Mind Cafe

Trainee Psychologist & Writer. Open for work: saarimaslamwriting@gmail.com. Join my free newsletter: psychgrowth.substack.com. Psychology and Personal Growth