6 Habits of People Who Constantly Feel Stuck in Life

And how to overcome them.

Willda Atienza
Mind Cafe


Feeling stuck from time to time is human.

Sometimes we’re stuck developing a new skill that’ll help us move forward in our career. Other times we’re stuck waiting to hear back about life-changing opportunities. And there are times we’re stuck planning our next move to get what we want.

These periods are normal and it’s only a matter of time before we enter the next chapter of our life. But if we find ourselves feeling stuck for months, if not years at a time, this is often a sign for us to dig deeper and figure out the root cause.

That said, here are six habits of people that fail to move through periods of being stuck and a straightforward guide to correcting these tendencies.

1. They Hope More Than They Take Action

“Your life is determined by your habits — if you are not making real progress in life or career, the first place to look is your habits.” — Thomas Oppong

We all hope for good things to happen in our lives. But people who feel consistently stuck often invest more time into wishing for a new reality than they do in actually…



Willda Atienza
Mind Cafe

Social media manager | Co-Founder of Tartarus Games