How Much Smarter Does Reading 100 Books In 1 Year Actually Make You?

What I learned and lost from reading in 2019.

Jake Daghe
Mind Cafe


As I turned the last page and closed the back cover, I looked up and took a deep breath in, slowly exhaling. Book number 100, ‘Measure What Matters ’by John Doerr, which seemed fitting considering the moment.

The day was December 3rd, which meant I had finished my biggest goal of 2019 with 28 days to spare. I logged the book and author on my various lists and Goodreads account. I jotted down some notes on my Evernote where I was following along with my top takeaways from the book.

Then I set it aside and picked up my next book.

Making Books a Staple Part of My Diet

I started 2019 by committing with a friend to reading five books in the month of January. It was like a condensed book club.

To kick off the new year, we picked the same five books to read, purposefully picking one book from five different categories: a non-fiction, a self-help, a science fiction, a more classic fiction, and a spiritual book. (This didn’t include my audiobook consumption, which I really started to ramp up towards the end of 2018.)



Jake Daghe
Mind Cafe

Creative Engineer writing working hypotheses | I write what I wish I could have read when I was younger | Join my newsletter ‘I/Q Crew’ on Substack.