I Gave My 100% to These 4 Habits, and They Changed My Life

Never let someone who is not “you” change who “you” are.

Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe


Photo by Bailey Burton on Unsplash

What is learning? What do you do by learning?

The correct answer: you integrate them into your lives, into your routine and habits. As we all wake up, eat, and bathe, our habits are influenced by what we’ve learned.

Some people wake up early, and some don’t. Some people eat less. Some prefer being vegan. Our learnings change how we do even our simplest of habits.

But in the long run of life, we forget how to implement these learnings into our mental model. They’re equally important, just like they’re important for our physical routines.

To guide you back on track, here are four life lessons that truly transformed my life when I put them into practice.

1. Talent will only get you so far. You need to learn to communicate

You might have heard this quote in a variety of ways:

  • Knowledge will only get you so far. You need talent
  • Communication will only get you so far. You need talent

Bottom line? You need to learn various things, not just any. Don’t concentrate on knowledge that you…



Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe

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