The 10 Most Important Life Skills Nobody Taught Me

From happiness to health, these transformed my life.

Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe


Many of the most important life skills are ones I had to learn on my own. Although my parents, teachers, classes, and even friends didn’t teach me, they ultimately weren’t things I could learn through traditional ways—I had to seek the knowledge and then practice them myself.

“The only education worth anything is self-education.”

— Isaac Asimov

Of the many life skills, here are the 10 most important ones I learned (and I’m continuing to learn) that have led to virtually all of my success and growth in life. If you learn them yourself, I’m confident you’ll watch your life soar too.

How to Be Happy

From a young age, we learn it’s important to “be happy.” But no one actually teaches us how to be happy.

Ironically, the chase for happiness actually makes us less happy — seeking joy from external sources like possessions, people, or accomplishments always leaves you falling short because they’ll never bring true contentment.

“Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you…



Anthony J. Yeung
Mind Cafe

Seen in Esquire, GQ, & Men's Health. Founder. Full-time traveler (4.5 years & counting). Upgrade your life w/ my 5 life hacks→