The 7 Habits of Happiness According to a Brain-Health Expert

Change your brain; change your mood.

Alexa V.S.
Mind Cafe


A happy brain full of energy and vitality
Photo by Milad B. Fakurian on Unsplash, edited on Canva

According to a recent survey, Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in the last 50 years. And they’re not alone. The latest World Happiness Report concluded that negative feelings are rising globally.

The bottom line: Everyone is unhappy (except for the Finnish)— and it sucks.

In a recent video, brain-health expert and New York Times Bestselling author Dr. Daniel Amen tackled this topic, explaining why we’re unhappy. He says that our sense of uncertainty has skyrocketed. We fear we will get sick. Worse, we fear someone we love will get sick.

The result? We’re fed up.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Dr. Amen argues that the secret to feeling happier is to strengthen our brains. We often underestimate the havoc an unhealthy brain can bring. We often forget the impact our brain’s neurochemicals have on our mood.

That’s why Dr. Amen suggests we introduce the following happy-brain habits:

Take Happiness-Boosting Supplements

In Dr. Amen’s book, Memory Rescue: Supercharge Your Brain, Reverse Memory Loss, and Remember What Matters Most, he cites research that confirmed the positive…



Alexa V.S.
Mind Cafe

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.