The Science Behind Road Rage

And why normal people are often overrun by anger on the road.

Ryan Fan
Mind Cafe


As professors, Stan Steindl and James Kirby of the University of Queensland wrote,

‘There is nothing inherently wrong with anger as an emotion, but nowhere is anger less helpful, more common, and potentially more dangerous than when we are behind the wheel of a car.’

I had a campus minister once say that road rage is the universal and common reminder that we are sinful, and debased human beings. Almost everyone gets angry and aggressive on the roads, especially driving through concentrated urban areas.

And for those that claim they don’t, well, the behaviour of other drivers that do get aggressive, or aren’t aggressive enough, is enough to make anyone furious.

We all know that it’s just as frustrating to be driving behind someone going 40 on the expressway as it is when you’re cut off by someone with barely enough room to change lanes. I have seen everyone either yell an expletive or take to rolling down the windows and throwing up the cursed finger, from my parents to God-fearing men of faith.



Ryan Fan
Mind Cafe

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.” Support me by becoming a Medium member: