How Does Heartbreak Feel Like

Mindful Mental Health
2 min readApr 26, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

It feels like you have never experienced it before even though you have experienced it many times in your life

It feels like you are all alone in experiencing this

It makes you feel like your world is going to end

It makes you feel like no one can understand the pain you are going through no matter how hard you try to articulate the pain

It makes you feel like no one understands what you are going through and that you are all alone

It makes you feel like your cries of pain are not being heard, no matter how hard you pray, it doesn't go away

It makes you feel helpless, no matter how hard you cry out to ask it to stop, it wouldn’t

It makes you feel like you are not strong enough, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it is normal, it is a phase in life, you can’t escape it

It makes you feel like God is so far away no matter how hard you pray

It makes you think of all the reasons why the person broke up with you, and if anything you could have done to prevent it

It makes you feel like you’ll never love anyone again

It makes you feel like you’d lost hope in love

It makes you feel trapped within the walls of your mind

It makes you feel like you’ll never walk out of this

It makes you feel shame, that you have failed in love again

It makes you feel abandoned, that you are not worthy of love

It makes you feel like being alone, isolating from your friends and loved ones

It makes you feel like going into this dark place and no matter how hard you try, you cant see the light

I’d said that it makes you feel all these things. But are they the absolute truth? Are we our feelings? Are we our circumstances? Are they forever?

I don’t dispute all the feelings that we are feeling, I don’t recommend solutions to them. I don’t think we should stop feeling any of them, I think it’s the truth to the person experiencing it

But maybe we should also allow some time to pass, to allow ourselves to grieve our loss, and let time takes it’s time

Because while life has to be understood backwards, we must live everything forward

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Mindful Mental Health

A thirty something ex corporate slave- 2x 9 months sabbatical- traveller wannabe-turned corporate slave again whilst defining purpose and joy (again)