Self-Care Strategies For Managing Stress And Anxiety In Daily Life

Life can be extremely stressful, and the effects can be unbearable at times. Find out how you can successfully manage it.

Aevan John Namang
Mindful Mental Health
7 min readApr 14, 2024


This image depicts a man sitting in a cubicle with his hands on his head and looking at his laptop.
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

You might be at work, and your manager just gave you and your colleague a task to work on with a very tight deadline. Later on, you find out that your colleague took a leave, rendering them unable to work with you on the project. Now you are alone, which makes it much more difficult for you to accomplish, and this can be very stressful.

Situations such as this are inevitable, and I’m sure that there are some instances in your life where you have experienced some stress. For me personally, there have been a lot of times in my life where I’ve experienced stress to the point that it has already affected my ability to do menial tasks such as cleaning my bed.

Stress is a part of our lives, and therefore it is important for us to identify and address it because not addressing it would lead to unfavorable consequences, such as affecting our behaviors.

Understanding Stress and Anxiety

This image depicts a woman with her hand on her chin, looking up.
Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

What is “stress”? Stress refers to the strained mental state when we are faced with something that is extremely demanding, and anxiety refers to the feeling we experience in response to stress. Anxiety is the uneasy feeling that we experience when we are stressed.

It can affect how we behave and think. In fact, in multiple studies that have been conducted, most of the studies concluded that stress does indeed have a significant impact on both our mental and physical health, which explains why we tend to behave and think in a certain way as well as lose weight when stressed.

Stress can have various triggers. Think about the last time you were stressed. What was the cause of it? Was it because of a task or activity? Some of the common triggers for stress can be found in our daily lives such as work relationships. Identifying the triggers can be crucial as it will help you successfully address them.

The symptoms of stress can manifest in both physical and mental ways. Physical manifestations of stress can include being extremely fatigued, easily irritated and panic attacks.

Stress can affect both mental and physical aspects of our being. It has triggers and it is important for us to identify them as well as address them.

Self-Care Strategies for Stress Management

This image depicts a woman sitting on a platform on a mountain facing the sun in what seems like an afternoon or a sunrise.
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

In addressing and mitigating the effects of stress, there are some useful and effective strategies we can choose to incorporate into our daily routine, and we are going to be discussing them in detail within this section. Here are some of the self-care strategies that I personally use and recommend you try.

Mindfulness Meditation

Time and time again, mindfulness meditation has been proven by a lot of experts to have positive benefits, and that includes reducing the negative effects of stress. A short 10-minute of mindfulness meditation a day would have a significant impact on your overall well-being and would make you a lot more happier.

Stress-Reducing Activities

Aside from mindfulness meditation there are also a couple of other activities that have been proven to be effective for relaxation such as yoga, tai-chi, and deep breathing exercises. Yoga, as well as tai-chi, is good for improving overall health, and on the other hand, deep breathing helps make you feel calm. All of which can be helpful in combating the negative effects of stress.

Time Management Techniques

There are various time management techniques that you can incorporate such as prioritizing tasks, setting good boundaries, and breaking down bigger tasks into chunks. Effectively managing your time would be very beneficial. While it doesn’t really have a direct effect on stress, it can be helpful in preventing it from happening.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

While it is helpful to effectively manage your time, do mindfulness meditation, and engage in activities that reduce stress, it is also important to note that maintaining healthy habits should be a priority as this serves as the very foundation.

Creative Outlets

Activities such as drawing, painting, writing, and music can also be helpful in addressing the negative effects of stress. These activities enable you to express yourself creatively as a means of processing emotions. Maybe in your spare time you listen to one of your favorite artists’ songs and sing along with it. The important thing is that you are able to express what you feel.

Self-Care Strategies for Anxiety Management

This image depicts two people holding hands with each other.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Stress often causes anxiety, and in effectively managing anxiety, there are some ways that we can also choose to incorporate to effectively handle it.

Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques

There are a lot of cognitive-behavioral techniques that exist nowadays, and one such is cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring refers to the technique that seeks to change our thoughts. For instance, when you are having anxiety-inducing thoughts, employing cognitive restructuring will replace those thoughts with pleasant ones.

Grounding Exercises

This type of exercise refers to the grounding techniques that are used in managing acute anxiety symptoms. Just like cognitive restructuring, there are also a lot of grounding techniques. One such technique is sensory awareness and visualization.

Self-Compassion Practices

This relates to self-care. In coping with anxiety, it is important to be kind to yourself and know that there is nothing wrong with what you feel. We all feel anxious at some point in our lives; it is a normal response by our body to stressors.

Seeking Support

If despite trying all of these techniques, it just seems to be not working and the anxiety becomes unbearable don’t be afraid to seek help such as by reaching out to your trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals for support and guidance.

Having effective self-care strategies is important if you are on your way to improving your overall well-being, and in my experience, these strategies have been helpful to me in reducing the negative effects of stress.

Taking care of oneself is crucial as ourselves is the very foundation of our being.

Implementing Self-Care in Daily Life

This image depicts a green fruit, a cup of tea, and a book on top of a table.
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

When you’ve finally decided to implement what you learned in this article in your day-to-day life, creating a self-care plan that fits your needs and preferences will help us effectively put it into practice. I will offer some tips on how you can make your own personalized self-care plan.

Creating a Personalized Self-Care Plan

The first step in creating your personalized self-care plan is to identify the areas of your life that make you stressed and anxious. After you have successfully identified those areas the next step is to consider your interests and hobbies.

Set specific goals, such as identifying areas in your life that you want to improve, including reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and/or enhancing your overall well-being. Explore self-care practices. While I have mentioned some techniques and strategies earlier, it is good to explore other methods that work best for you, ones that resonate with you and provide the most benefit.

And then finally, create your self-care plan. Gather all of the activities that you chose, identify those that are important to you, and schedule them into your daily or weekly routine. Be flexible and allow yourself to adjust the self-care plan if needed.

To summarize what we’ve discussed, the best action to take to effectively manage stress and anxiety is to take care of oneself. Self-care has a lot of positive benefits which are not just limited to reducing the negative effects of stress and anxiety but also improving our overall well-being. Considering the inevitability of stress it is crucial to prioritize our mental health and we can do so by incorporating self-care strategies into our daily lives.

This image depicts cardboard with the words “Thank you!” written on it.
Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

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