The Lucky You — My Thoughts

A personal tale of my thoughts, and feelings showing how I see the world for you to take what helps your growth as “you” now and for the future; enjoy.

Quinton Sheppard
Mindful Mental Health
4 min readJan 17, 2024


The earth from our moon
Earth from the moon, photo taken from

From Eudoxus in 380 B.C. thinking the earth was the centre of the universe, to Nicolaus Copernicus's discovery in the 1500s that we are not the centre of the universe, to the first landing on the moon and seeing the first glimpse of this beautiful blue planet that we inhabit, we as a human race have never been so lucky. But of course, when we compare ourselves to the countless billions of people that inhabit this planet that we call our home, we may feel that we are insignificant and only here for a short while.

The truth is…

…We are very significant as we are so lucky to be alive. Just think, the statistical chance of you existing is extremely small. Scientists estimate that the odds are 1 in 10 to the power of 2,685,000! Imagine how lucky you and I are to be alive, to be conscious of this world and to experience all that it has to offer. A life is not insignificant, it is close to impossible.

  • Odds your dad met your mum…1 in 20,000
  • Odds of the egg being fertilised by a single sperm…1 in 400 quadrillion
  • Odds of you existing at all…1 in 10 to the power of 2,685,000

This is how I see my life; I try to experience all the joy and wonder of this world and what lives on it. Although you may only be here for a blink of an eye, that time is precious. The modern world we live in today can take us away from realising what we have around us and what we are missing.

My experiences in a nutshell

As my birthday fast approaches and another year has passed, I am reminded of what I have done thus far, the people that have shaped me, the family and friends that I am fortunate to have and what I wish to do and experience in the future. From climbing mountains in the Far East of Russia, Hiking up a volcano in Turkey, Parachuting from 10,000 feet, Running an ultra mountain marathon, cycling over 50 miles, and travelling to see friends and family in various countries around the world from South America, France, Portugal, US, Canada; All of these pails in complexion to what is the simple side of life that makes it all so worth it.

The simple side of life

My life began with seizures while having a bath at the age of 3 years old. I soon after was diagnosed with the condition Epilepsy. A neurological condition from the start was an immense challenge to get used to. It has become a part of me, yet this has given the betterment of my life a positive spin in realising how lucky I am. After all, I am (as mentioned) 1 in 10 to the power of 2,685,000. I may from this life from a simple bath drown, or cross the road and have a seizure when a car passes by, or in the case of rock climbing, I may have a seizure on the side of a cliff, but has this stopped me? …no chance.

The simple side of life is by far the best part of life. A simple smile, a hug from a close friend or family member, maybe saying hi and good day to a stranger or walking in nature breathing in the air, stopping where you are looking up smiling, breathing in deeply the air and thinking how lucky you are.

Experiences can be small or large, but make “your” life amazing. Make it your own and do not compare as everyone around you is in the same situation being 1 in 10 to the power of 2,685,000.

Whatever you get from this article, I hope it helps in some way to make you realise how special you are and how lucky you are to be alive even in this (UK at least) cold weather that we can always see the positive lining to life however small that maybe. And most importantly cherish every…single….moment! :)

Enjoy “your” experiences the amazing world “you” live in, and never take anything or anyone for granted.

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Quinton Sheppard
Mindful Mental Health

Work, Life, Finance, Passions - blogger of all things positive