Wanna Live Longer? Ease Off On Ranting

Caitlin McColl
Mindful Mental Health
6 min readOct 7, 2022


Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

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A while back I was writing about how you create your environment, and I was writing about the downsides of complaining — aka ranting, and how it isn’t actually good for your health. And since the world seems to be a lot more health conscious these days, I thought, well, this info needs to get out there and be more widely known! Thankfully the Celtic Chameleon on the Authentic Eclectic has a competition on the subject! Of ranting, that is.

Now, I’m not a rant-free zone. In fact, I rant, vent, complain, whatever you want to call it, a lot. My husband will be first in line to testify, I’m sure. But then again, he’s Scottish, so he also complains a lot. If he’s awake, he’ll be finding something to complain about!

But I try my best not to…(but there is so, so much to rant about these days, isn’t there?). As Bill Murray said recently on one of my husband’s football (soccer) podcasts (yes THAT Bill Murray), totally out of context: and it’s helping…it’s helping.

That being said, I did recently learn that ranting isn’t good for you — not mentally/emotionally, and not physically either. So here’s what I’ve managed to glean from the internet on the…



Caitlin McColl
Mindful Mental Health

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦