Product-Opportunity Unfolding Canvas (Problem Space + Solution Space)

Are your ideas worth and viable enough to reach the next level and prove yourself as a solution to solve a real problem?

Cali (Renato Caliari)
Mindful Product
3 min readNov 12, 2019


Over a year ago, I coined ​​the name Triple Track Agile for a scheme that proposed to combine the problem space, product discovery and product delivery, inspired by Indi Young and Dan Olsen’s works.

Now, I’m trying to find a way to materialize what’s on each track.

As a Product Manager, I sometimes suffered from not having an overall map of what was happening on the product teams, from problem space to solution space, and how things interconnected. How to communicate all this stuff to the product team or even to the company?

Talking to people on product teams, I realized they have the same difficulties.

So I decided to try to make a glue between the parts. I believe there must be countless other canvas out there. Even better than this one.
However, even so, I decided to share this canvas with those who want to try it.

For this release, I assumed the possibility of two ways of mapping problem space:

And beneath the problem space, I put the delivery and discovery tracks.

Ideas start from the ground up until they prove valuable and viable enough to reach the base of problem space as a solution that supports current’s problems.

📢 Give me your feedback :)

I would appreciate your feedback:

  • Does this name “Product-Opportunity Unfolding Canvas” make sense to you? My mother tongue is Brazilian Portuguese, and I’m not sure if the name is clear enough. And regardless of the language, do you have suggestions of ​​better names?
  • What do you think could be better in this canvas?
  • What doesn’t seem right?
  • How do you think this canvas could help you?


Some explanations about the canvas:

Ok, so how to put it in a digital tool?


  • Jira?
  • LeanKit?
  • …Do you have some ideas?


Jobs To Be Done

  • A list of references about Jobs to be done:

Product Discovery

