I was angry. Ok Furious. Then what ?

Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal
1 min readApr 24, 2016

I was mindful for this whole week on one thing. I kept a promise -I would not get angry this week, no matter what.

I was doing great.

I can imagine your face now. Ok, I did threw my frustration at few careless drivers on the road. ( just 5 cases in 7 days is good going, don’t you think ?:)

But, I did not get angry at office or at home, or at super market or parking lot. I was ok until Saturday evening, the final day of the week.

I worked on Saturday. I thought I was entitled to some fun. But that did not go well. I was in deep frustration and anger.

I was angry. Furious. Trembling.

Yes, the full dose.

It was as if I blew the whole week.

Was I ?

Deep breaths. Back up. Back on my feet. Heart is Normal. Blood pressure is placid .

It’s gone.

How can I feel this peaceful, when just a 30 seconds ago I was fuming like a mad bull ?. This is unreal, I thought. It’s gone completely.

With all anger checking back ups in place ( See my previous story ) here I am again repeating the cycle. That is ok. I was aware that I am the one who creates anger. No one can actually make me angry, unless I allow it to build up in me. I can improve. That’s the part that is so essential for me.



Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal

Business Consultant and Performance Coach on Digital Transformation