Letting go of anger

Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal
1 min readApr 11, 2015

I have an alarm system to detect anger. (see my previous post)

Even with that, sometimes I find it is impossible to be happy. Anger is not a happy state, obviously, but there’s no simple path out of it.

Even with this alarm, with knowledge that anger is bad, sometimes, I seem to treasure that blood pumping emotion.

All I have to do is let go, yet it is providing me an excuse to be grim.

I get angry because I want to have things in my way. I want things under control.

I want people around me to love what I do, I want equipment around me to be in perfect running condition, I want processes to be nice and perfect, traffic to be thin, drivers on road to be disciplined, neighbors who are minding their own business — the list is endless.

Do you see my problem?

I can’t let go of an ideal scenario. I am not attuned to reality. I am demanding something this world cannot deliver.

Let go of the ideals. Let life happen.



Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal

Business Consultant and Performance Coach on Digital Transformation