MinexPay Report | Week 3: Acceleration engaged!

Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog
4 min readJul 19, 2018

2 weeks in a row, we have updated our community and presented results and developments around MinexPay. Given the positive reactions we received, why not to continue?

In this 3rd report, we’ll show the latest statistics, as usual, but also the much anticipated details about the early bird discount program. But wait… there is gonna be more! The community has expressed a need to have quick access to Minexcoins. Here is our answer: Instabuy!

Curious? We’ll take care of that.

One word: acceleration

What would you say if we said that MinexPay preorders have slowed down and that customers are losing interest? Nothing enjoyable, we can imagine that!

Well, it appear that we have very positive news then!

The third week has displayed a solid increase in preorder rates, which means that MinexPay hasn’t gone unnoticed by the crypto community.

MinexPay Cards Pre-Orders, total (28Jun — 19Jul 2018)

Expanding our reach

Not only did we increase pre-order rates, MinexPay has started to spread globally. To be more detailed, MinexPay cards were pre-ordered from more than 200 countries around the world! We are, quite frankly, thrilled knowing that MinexPay is having the international appeal it deserves!

Now, let’s see some numbers. MinexPay pre-orders have increased by close to 100%! We are pleased to congratulate all 6,569 future card owners. Look at the following image and see the statistics for each card.

MinexPay Cards Pre-Orders by types, total (28Jun — 19Jul 2018)

Infinite continues to attract significantly crypto-enthusiasts however, not all of them will be able to get theirs. We would like to remind you that Infinite cards are a limited series of only 1000 of cards.

Grab them while you can

Given the fact that we will issue only 1000 Infinite cards, if you are among the 1200 who have pre-ordered the Infinite card, we recommend you more than ever to take action and pay for the card. Once the 1000th payment is received, the Infinite card sales will be closed.

Discount program: cashback

Earlier in the second report, we told you about an early bird discount. As promised, we will proceed and disclose the full details regarding the bonuses we have prepared for you!

For a limited period of time, our early customers will enjoy a cashback on the card’s purchase of up to 20%, payable in MNX upon card activation. Indeed, once your card is activated, your account will be credited of that amount! For example, if you paid 100 MNX for an Infinite card, you will get 20 bonus MNX added to your account.

Superior Bonus than Minexbank returns

We would like to emphasize the fact that this cashback offers a superior return than keeping your coins in the MinexBank. This means that instead of leaving your MNX in the bank, you’d better pay early for your card and get that 20% bonus!

Are you ready to order your card AND make a superior return than Minexbank can offer at the same time? Follow this link and finalize your order: MinexPay Login and be sure to finish this step in order to proceed with KYC verification (which will take place in the second part of July).

Instabuy: buying MNX becomes fast and simple

First of all, we want you to know that we heard our dear community. Indeed, the current process for buying MNX and pay for the card might keep many of you (that don’t already own MNX) from finishing your order. Moreover, one of the obvious rules for greater adoption is, of course, the ability to buy a coin without hurdles.

We are glad to announce the upcoming launch of INSTABUY, a feature that will provide access to instant purchase of MNX through our websites. You will be able to buy MNX without even having to go through an exchange! (The entire process and details of INSTABUY will be explained in a separate article).

Many developments happened during this week and we decided to share a number of them only. You’ll get to hear the rest very soon! We appreciate our community’s continuous support once again, and don’t forget to follow us on our social networks to keep updated:




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Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog

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