MinexPay Report | Week 5: A new dimension!

Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog
3 min readAug 4, 2018

We will start the 5th report by saying what needs to be said: what a week! Our community will most certainly agree, we have never been as active as we are now. The weekly report had to be pushed back 1 day further due to “high intensity publishing” on our medium channels, how do you like that?

Product releases, events, news and milestones have paved the way for a hectic week with loads to share. Buckle up minexcoin community, and see for yourself!

Effective is the right word!

As the 5th week has passed, we will start to be more factual as nobody will be surprised anymore. It has become a routine to enjoy the numbers and check the progress.

This week, 2890 pre-orders were added, setting the total number of pre-orders at 12256 cards! We said we would breach 10k, and so we did!

MinexPay Cards Pre-Orders, total (28Jul — 2Aug 2018)

About paid card, it appears the number hasn’t been shared for a while. We will do it in this article, towards the end of it. Patience is due!

Regarding the statistics of cards, let us have a closer look:

MinexPay Cards Pre-Orders by types, total (28Jul — 2Aug 2018)

No surprises here either, numbers are growing as usual, with similar proportions as the weeks before.

Launches detected!

This week has witnessed the launch of Instabuy, Referral and Cashback programs. Needless to say that we wanted to spoil our community and it appears we managed to effectively do it. After a few hickups with Instabuy, the feature is now fully functional and our users gladly enjoy the easy access to MNX. They also noticed with great satisfaction the balance of MNX displayed in green, representing the cashback'ed amount of MNX.

The analysis of the referral program has not been conducted yet due to higher priority tasks. Did you enjoy these features as much as we did?

Note: As we signed a trust contract with our community, we will show proof that the corresponding MNX have been taken out of the market via the exchanges. Trust is always going to be the cornerstone between the community and our team!

A new sense of reality

What else is there to talk about if not the newly introduced KYC procedure? The MinexPay project has set foot in the realm of reality with the delivery of this milestone. No doubt that setting up a GDPR regulated process of identity verification shows our investors how committed and serious we are. The sum&substance tool is easy to use and very intuitive.

The first days might need some troubleshooting to tweak several of its parameters, in order to encompass all cases. Not to worry, an efficient support process has been put in place to handle these initial but normal tasks.

About Paid cards

The current number of paid cards is at 800. This means 800 of MinexPay customers have already sent the associated MNX in order to get their card.
Our advertising process is efficient and shows a high conversion ratio regarding preorders.

We are now dedicated to increase conversion to paid cards, which numbers can be explained as follows:

  • It is still not easy to get Minexcoins.
  • Many community members have Quarterly parkings engaged.
  • The project is still at the “pre-order” stage, and needs social proof.

We will continue developing the INSTABUY tool to further facilitate access to MinexPay cards and allow a card purchase in less than 5 minutes! Once the quarterly parkings end, we should see a sharp increase in the paid numbers.
Also, the first cards issued and sent to MinexPay customers will permanently materialize the project and reassure anyone still left with doubts!

That is all for today people, remember to finalize your order and follow the next developments of Minexcoins. Exciting news are to come! Follow us on social media to keep updated.




Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog

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