Minexcoin Report: February. The Promising Start

Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog
3 min readMar 2, 2018

Apple debut, Atomic announce, Algo upgrade, new Roadmap and others things our team did in February.

As it turns out, winter falling market became a blessing in disguise for us. Within this market’s pitstop MNX team crossed several important milestones, so let’s check them out!

Firstly, MinexBank algorithm has successfully passed its test-period. Overall, we estimate passed tests as successful: the algorithm has demonstrated an adequate response to entirely different market scenarios. However, along with the favourable assessment, the test had revealed some issues that affected the efficiency of the whole algorithm’s work. To fix them our team added some additional variables to MinexBank and, at the moment, these updates are testing by the QA team. The algorithm works in an autonomous mode with the manual verification of its solutions. By the way, to diversify data that MinexBank collects from the market we added a Doge/MNX pair on Coinexchange. Feel free to test it.

Next, we presented the upgraded Roadmap on 2018. In contrast to the last years’ version, we’ve changed some targets for our existing products and have set new global goals for the MinexSystems. For example, this year we’re planning to start the development of the Green Algo and custom Decentralized computer. The first product is an entirely new algorithm for MNX. It will make possible not only to make mining calculations for transactions but to do them for some specific purposes. The second product will become our in-house virtual Turing environment for performing smart-contracts in the Minexcoin network.

MinexSystems Roadmap 2018

In the middle of the month, we’ve announced the first cross-chain exchange between MNX and BTC. To the date of publication of this article, our blockchain-leaders has been making final preparations to please the community with working Atomic Swap protocol and publish it on our official GitHub. In case you missed this announcement, please read the article where MNX blockchain leader Roman Hulenko dots the i’s and crosses the t’s about team’s plans for Atomic Swaps.

Also, it’s necessary to mention the MinexBank debut on the Apple devices. Similar to the Android version, MinexBank for iOS includes a wide range of features and allows to use MinexBank whenever and wherever. As we reported earlier, appearing in the App Store is a landmark event for us. The thing is, the app verification shows confidence in the project from Apple support and prove that MinexBank is transparent and clean on the law. The app can be downloaded for main types of Apple devices, including iPhones and iPads.

As for number indicators, on the end of the February they are:

  • As at 1 March, the number of MinexBank users is 7710. By the way, there is even a dog among them)
  • The number of Parkings rose to 8 168.
  • 13 times MinexBank changed its parking rates.
  • MNX capitalisation rose from 53M till 84M during the February
  • At the end of the February, Minexcoin was ranked 150 at CoinMarketCap rating. We managed to climb almost 100 positions up.
  • Our Twitter reached 10 000 followers.
  • Telegram channel reached 2 000 followers.

And last but not least, we want to finish this report with an appeal to the community. It is known that every business or project has to pass through different development stages. After evaluating our last months’ work we realize that MNX has successfully passed starting phase: we’ve built a working interaction with users, strengthened on the market and taken on the implementing of large-scale plans. It’s time to work on expanding!

Minexcoin moves into a new phase when our team begins to increase marketing activities gradually. Community veterans may have noticed an increase of new users who are not familiar with the project. There will be more of them soon. So, our message to every MNX fan and holder: please be polite and patient, help and tell, if possible, all the necessary information about the project to the newbies and spread our messages over the world. We’ve already proved the unite and awesomeness of our community, but much more could be done. Thanks for your support and keep walking!

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