SSD Flasher

Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2021

One of the more challenging tasks with flashing is flashing a mining OS image to an SSD. Everything is good if you have the right cable and you are flashing for only one rig. But if you don’t have the right cable at hand and you have dozens of rigs to flash, SSD Flasher is a tool that will help you out.

The main idea behind SSD Flasher is to have a tool that can help you quickly flash any msOS image without the need to disassemble the rig. The rig can run on SSD (preferable), HDD, or USB drive. It can already have a msOS or any other mining OS distro running, or it can also have an empty drive.

What do you need?

  • USB 3.0 (at minimum) with at least 16 GB capacity
  • SSD Flasher image
  • msOS image that you want to flash to your rigs
  • Rigs that already have their own drives - SSD, HDD, or USB drives

How to use SSD Flasher

  1. Download fresh SSD Flasher image
  2. Flash it to your USB 3.0 with at least 16 GB capacity
  3. Download msOS image that you want to flash
  4. Copy/paste downloaded .zip file to the main directory of your USB
  5. Make sure your rig has a different SSD, HDD, or USB drive plugged in
  6. Plug the USB into the rig
  7. If you are using a rig that doesn’t run on msOS or if some issues arise you might need to confirm the flashing process by pressing [Enter]
  8. Wait for flashing to finish

Connect worker(s) to minerstat dashboard

Your rig will have a default config.js file once the process finishes. You can use the discovery tool to add workers to the dashboard.

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