Trilium Think Tank Aftermath

MC Author 42
Mission Control
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2024

The Trilium Think Tank was an initiative to spark the interest for a broad number of players to come up with ideas. You can find the initial announcement here.

For the team of Mission Control it was a great way to find some inspiration on things we might have missed. But even more so, the whole challenge was geared towards coming up with ideas to extend the Alien Worlds Metaverse rather than Mission Control. So it is quite obvious that not all submitted campaigns are suitable for Mission Control to implement. Which is the main reason for this article: to present a summary of all the nice ideas that in our opinion deserve the spotlight and should be made known to a much broader audience, as they are not within the scope of Mission Control.

As many of you know, however, having an idea is only the first step in a long journey. So we’d recommend everyone to take up these ideas again and sharpen them. Next step would be to write a more detailed paper about it. Ideally up to a point where another team could take over just from there to implement the already polished idea.

So here are the ideas Mission Control won’t pursue, but in our opinion seem most worthwhile to further explore towards their potential to some day extend the Alien Worlds Metaverse:

  • Arcade MiniGames
    Small games that help spend the time until your next mine is ready. Preferably using Alien World NFTs and/or TLM in some way.
  • Interplanetary Land Tours
    New side game where explorers tour various lands by mining based on set criteria. The planet map is used as a passport to mark which objectives were already met.
  • Enable WAX Bridge for AW Binance NFTs
    The NFTs from the Binance Missions could then be traded and used on WAX, as the other Alien World NFTs.
  • Guild based games
    Currently AW is mostly a single player experience, where everyone focuses on optimizing personal outcome. We think a guild based competition mode in a game could greatly amplify the bonds and emotions among Alien Worlds players.
  • Anti-Bot measures
    The never ending topic of the fight against unfair players sadly… never ends. There is a dire need to find new ways on how to approach this topic. New ideas on how to detect them? New ideas for game modes that don’t offer avantages for multis? We sure need fresh ideas for that.
  • Central “calendar”
    Alien Worlds could use a central place where all currently ongoing and future events are listed, with links to further information.
  • Binance Mission Collective
    Implementing a smart contract that allows pooling of funds for the participation in Binance Missions in order to reduce the total gas fee for the participants.
  • Alien Worlds Onboarding
    The process for onboarding new players to Alien Worlds is still very tedious. Better tutorials, but also a better process could help to prevent the witch hunt that real new players have to go through currently.
  • Marketing Success Tracker
    It would be very helpful to have a possibility to track how successful different marketing measures are. How many views and how many conversions into new players did a campaign achieve?

For more details best see the respective crowdfunding campaigns. Or ask in our Discord who would be interesting in developing the idea(s) further!

Besides the ideas that were not within the scope of Mission Control, of course there were ideas that really helped us in coming up with new stuff we could do on Mission Control. These were the areas where we came to new insights due to your submissions:

  • Create support for landowners, maybe as part of a game. So they can play a part in Mission Control
  • Possibilities to earn on passive staking towards Mission Control
  • “Spin the Wheel” extension for Daily MC Claim
  • Weekly Community activities where a certain threshold of points has to be reached by the community to unlock e.g. a bonus reward pool
  • Mission Control Plus+ Membership
  • Customizing options which news to display
  • Some auction type of gamification

As you might imagine, and as we already mentioned, having the ideas is only a first step on a long journey. So while some of these will eventually make it into Mission Control, it is also a safe bet that not all of them will become a reality.

Nonetheless thanks everyone for participating! Everyone of you, every submission helped in improving Mission Control and the Alien Worlds Metaverse a little bit. And maybe some of you are now ready for the next step — to take the initial ideas and flesh them out into full concepts that await implementation!

