Mintbase history: how did we get here?

Maria Neu
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2021

When people access they see a marketplace to mint NFTs. But it is much more than that. This article offers a possibility to understand the trajectory of Mintbase and what we aim to achieve.

Since 2020 NFTs have been recognized as a way to market art in a new revolutionary way, without middlemen and with royalties being redirected to the artist every time this NFT is sold again.

At Mintbase, we welcome the attention NFTs got because of the artistic boom, but we see so much more potential in the technology beyond the art market.

It all started in 2018, when Nate Geier went to Prague and hacked Mintbase, then called AllTheThings in two days. If you want to know more about Nate, check out the Nate-NFT on Mintbase and read the description!

As for now, we are a team of 10. How did that happen? Continue reading to find out.

Luis Infante, Microchipgnu, Regina, Rui, Maria, João, Marcelo, Nate, Caro. Our rust developer hates the internet.

After Prague, Nate went to Berlin and met Carolin Wend — who was working for the German Government at that time. More info about Caro in the Caro-NFT. At the beginning of 2019, AllTheThings was rebranded to Mintbase. The company was incorporated, with Nate and Carolin as Co-Founders.

All of this happened on Ethereum. The first transaction on Mintbase happened on July 5th 2019 — on Ethereum and the use-case of that was ticketing for MetaCartel at Berlin Blockchain week.

By 2020 the fees on Ethereum had reached absurdities, and since Mintbase always had the focus on empowering a new financial system based on NFT tech, staying solely on eth just did not make sense anymore. At this point, Mintbase was already a full functioning toolkit on Ethereum, with stripe payment implemented, the easy creation of customizable smart contracts in place and a whole world of possibilities open.

In August 2020 Mintbase was transforming and re-writing the code on NEAR — Near had gone live in April 2020. Therefore Mintbase is pioneering NFT toolkits and utility NFTs on NEAR.

The sustainability, scalability and security of NEAR were decisive in the move from Ethereum to NEAR. Near always had the intent to be a collective, a foundation and a blockchain, in this sense it makes sense that NEAR was interested in the creation of a guild associated with Mintbase. That was when Createbase was born, in November 2020, when Mintbase was not even live on mainnet yet. Createbase was rebranded to MintbaseDAO on the 09.12.2021

By May 2021, Mintbase went live — creating its Store-Factory — the code that permits the creation of smart contracts in 3 clicks on

After having spent two years in Berlin, Nate and Caro had enough and moved to sunny Lisbon in November 2020. The beautiful city and beaches just spoke louder than Germany’s cold winters and hard bureaucracy. This is the moment when Mintbase started growing, with more people joining the team and more functions being added to the already really powerful Mintbase protocol. With Art NFTs suddenly booming, Mintbase started growing its artistic community too.

Caro and Nate when they moved to Lisbon in November 2020

Mintbase Protocol continued evolving, adding features and tools e.g. the addition and removal of minters on your smart contract, the configuration of default royalties and revenues to every transaction that happens on that smart contract, and the possibility to add up to 50 wallets into the royalty and revenue splits of each NFT. These tools are a very fertile soil for businesses to move to Blockchain, permitting many different business models to take place 100% on-chain.

Another very new feature (added in November 2021) is that Mintbase is now able to process thousands of NFT’s at the same time, opening even more possibilities than before. This super powerful toolkit is ready to be used. Check Forbes article on Deadmau5 and Portugal. The man’s release of 1.000.000 NFTs on Mintbase.

Mintbase stands as a very powerful tool for all those who want to integrate NFT transactions into their businesses and everyday life. We are working to be your tech partner behind the scenes, making it possible for you to integrate your marketplace into your website, game, or metaverse.



Maria Neu

Partnerships Manager @ Mintbase / MintbaseDAO facilitator