Announcing IPFS for Creators

Jennifer Tran
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2021

IPFS for Creators is an upcoming series of technical workshops and written resources about IPFS tools and platforms that empower full ownership of content and storage.

The Value of IPFS for Creators

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.

With the uncertainty of content bans and deletions on web2 platforms, creators are looking for alternatives to centralized content storage.

Ever since MintGate launched support for token gating IPFS sites, we have received interest from creators on using the IPFS stack to safely store content that they will always have access to.

In addition, existing web3 creators are not only looking to verify the certificate of authenticity of their artwork but their entire artwork as well. Non-fungible tokens act as certificates of authenticity to the artwork but IPFS takes a step further by storing the actual artwork on the blockchain.

Topics include

  • IPFS setup and using pinning services
  • Step-by-step demos of platforms built on IPFS and Filecoin that assist creators in the creative process such as Huddle01 (video conferencing), Voodfy (video storage), and MintGate (token gating)
  • NFT marketplaces that support IPFS such as Polkadot / Kusama NFT Explorer and Wax
  • Using IPFS to boost creator branding including Unstoppable Domains

How to Get Involved

Technical workshops and resources will be taught and written by Jennifer Tran and the IPFS Community. If you would like to collaborate or be notified of upcoming events/resource publications, please fill out this form or email

The first event will be “How to Create and Host a Completely Decentralized Website (using IPFS)” on Saturday, March 13, 2021, at 10 am EST. You can register here.



Jennifer Tran

Developer Relations at DFINITY. Talks mostly startup struggles and code.