ICLAB Bonus Lab Note

Week 13

2 min readJun 24, 2021


LAB Description

Topic of this week

  1. Introduction to Formal Analysis
  2. Introduction to SVA
  3. JasperGold — Setup / Formal Coverage Analysis / Assertion Based Verification IP & Scoreboard
  4. Bound Analysis


Formal Verification


Use ABCIP to verify the offered Customized I/O to AXI4-Lite bridge with build-in scoreboard and customized SVA by Formal Verification tool — JasperGold.

What did I learn?

  1. Concepts of Formal Verification

Lecture Note

Formal Analysis

  • Ensure the consistency with specification for all possible stimulus (inputs/undriven wires/unitialized registers)(100% coverage).
  • Input restrictions with constraints assume (what never happens).
  • Checker property with assert (what should not happen).
  • Stimulus coverage with cover (what should happen).
  • Benefits :
    1. Systematic method : More deterministic than random.
    2. Less testbench effort required : Much simplier than simulation testbench.
    3. Leads to higher quality : Often reveals bugs that simulation would never catch.
    4. Improves productivity and schedule : Can replace some block-level testbenches.

SystemVerilog Assertion, SVA

  • SVA Properties are embedded in Verilog or SystemVerilog code.
  • Includes assertions, covers, and assumptions.
  • SVA Example :
  • Sequences
  • Built-In Function
    Combinational Functions : $onehot $onehot0 $countones $countzeros
    Temporal Functions : $stable $past $rose $fell

Glue Logic in SVA

  • Auxiliary logic to observe and track events.
  • Simplify coding.
  • Come with no extra price.

Coverage Models

  • Function Coverage (Lab10) : Property related covers / Covergroups.
    Pro. : Realizable.
    Con. : Corner cases, time consuming.
  • Code Coverage : Branch / Statement / Expression.
    Pro. : Automatically generated, fully covered.
    Con. : False alarm issue.

Measuring Coverage

  • Stimuli Coverage : Reachability analysis applies to all coverage models.
  • Checker Coverage : Completeness of checking by the assertion set.
  • Formal Coverage : Consolidation of Stimuli/Checker Coverage results.

Assertion Based Verification Intellectual Properties, ABVIPs

  • Comprehensive set of checkers that check for protocol compliance.
  • 3 modes of AMVIP :
    1. Master Mode : ABVIP (Master) ← → DUV (Slave)
    2. Slave Mode : DUV (Master) ← →ABVIP (Slave)
    3. Monitor Mode : DUV (Master) ← ABVIP (Monitor) → DUV (Slave)

上一篇:ICLAB Lab10 Note
下一篇:ICLAB Lab11 Note

