ICLAB Lab11 Note

Week 14

3 min readJun 25, 2021


LAB Description

Topic of this week

  1. What is APR
  2. SOP of APR


Matrix Computation (MC)


Run the APR flow and post-simulation for the finished design MC.



What did I learn?

  1. Review Cell-based Design Flow
  2. How to do APR with Cadence Innovus.

Lecture Note

Cell-based Design Flow

  1. Specification Development, System Models.
  2. RTL Code Development, Function Verification.
  3. Synthesis, Timing Verification.
  4. Physical Synthesis & Place & Route, Physical Verification.
  5. Prototype, Build and Test.

Problems due to Wire Resistance and Capacitance

  • Timing Closure — PKS(Cadence), Phisical Compiler(Synopsys)
  • SI Closure — NanoRoute(Cadence), CeltIC(Cadence)
  • Power Closure — Voltage Storm(Cadence)

APR Flow — Innovus Design Flow

Data Preparation

  • Library Files
    1. LIB Library : Timing information of cell delay.
    2. LEF Library : Process and cell information.
    3. RC Extraction : For further power analysis, simulation, etc.
    4. CeltIC Library : cdB model.
    5. GDSII : Layout information.
  • Design Netlist
    1. DESIGN_SYN.v
    2. CHIP_SHELL.v : Contain IO, IO power, core power.
  • I/O Files
    1. CHIP.io : IO pad location file.
IO Pad Assignments Order
Example of CHIP.io file.


  • Netlist : CHIP_SYN.v.
  • Technology / Physical Liraries : LEF → Standard Cell LEF → Block LEF.
  • Floorplan : CHIP.io.
  • Multi-Mode Multi-Corner (MMMC) Timing Analysis & Optimization.
    Multi-Mode : Run & Test.
    Multi-Corner : Slow & Fast.


  • Develop early physical layout and gain early visibility into implementation issues.
  • Core Margins : Leave space for Power/Ground (P/G) ring.
  • Pad-limited Design : (Pad Width) > (Core Width + Core Margin)
  • Core-limited Design : (Pad Width) < (Core Width + Core Margin)
  • Pad Filler : Provide power to pad, necessary for core limited design.


  • Metal Migration (Electro-migration) : Caused by high currents.
    Prevention : Sizing power supply lines.
    Experience : Make current density of power ring < 1mA/um
  • IR Drop : Due to power-ground resistive network.
    Leads to :
    1. Performance (low speed)
    2. Functionality Problem (setup/hold violation)
    3. Unreliable Operation (less noise margin)
    4. Power Consumption (leakage power)
    5. Latch up
    Prevention : Add stripes on power lines.
  1. Connect & Define Global Nets
  2. Core Power Ring : w/wo interleaving & w/wo wire group.
  3. Core Power Pin : Connect from core power pads to power rings.
  4. Stripe : Add one stripe set per 100 um.
  5. Block Ring : for Hard Macro.
  6. Connect Standard Cell Power Line.
  7. Add Pad Filler : From wider fillers to narrower ones.


  • Place standard cells.

Clock Tree Synthesis, CTS

  • Goals :
    1. Create clock tree spec file.
    2. Build a buffer distribution network.
    3. Route clock nets using CTS-NanoRoute.


  • Signal Integrity, SI
  • Antenna Effect

Add Filler Cells

  • Fill all the gaps between standard cell instances.


  • LVS : Layout Verse Schematic.
  • DRC : Design Rule Check.
  • DRV : Design Rule Violation.

Output Files

  • CHIP.v : Netlist file for post-layout gate-level simulation.
  • CHIP.sdf : Design timing file for post-layout gate-level siulation.
  • CHIP.def : Design exchange format relevant to physical layout.
  • CHIP.gds : GDSII stream file for Calibre-DRC.

上一篇:ICLAB Bonus Lab Note
下一篇:ICLAB Lab12 Note

