The Hostel Encounter

AKA: John French
2 min readJul 3, 2024

A decade ago, I found myself in a hostel in Taiwan, sharing a room with two buddies. The room had four beds arranged as two bunk beds. I took the bottom bunk, and my friend was directly across from me on the other bottom bunk.

My eyesight is terrible. Without my glasses or contacts, I can’t see anything less than a foot in front of my face. So, when I woke up around 5 a.m. and saw a head hanging down from the top bunk, staring at me, I didn’t think much of it. I assumed it was my other friend, who I believed was sleeping above me.

At 7 a.m., we all got up for real. To my surprise, my friend climbed down from the top bunk across the room, not the one above me. He assured me he had slept there all night. Whatever had been leering at me at 5 a.m., it wasn’t him.

Adding to the unease, that same friend later revealed he had a disturbing dream in the hostel. In his dream, the room looked exactly like ours, but the door creaked open, and a vampiric entity slithered in.

As unsettling as it was, my poor eyesight might have been a blessing in disguise. It kept me from seeing the full horror of whatever had been watching me in the dim early morning light.

The experience remains etched in my memory, a haunting reminder that some encounters are best left blurry.

Note: This isn’t my story. I find true stories from comments all over the internet and rewrite them for clarity changing as little as possible. I am looking for patterns in paranormal encounters.

Before you leave

  1. Did you know the clap counter goes up to 50?
  2. Check out my work on:
    Twin Flames
    Past Life Regressions
    Human Design

