True Paranormal Stories: The House

AKA: John French
2 min readJul 3, 2024
Note: This isn’t my story. I find true stories from comments all over the internet and rewrite them for clarity changing as little as possible. I am looking for patterns in paranormal encounters.

In the mid-80s, nestled in the highlands of Ecuador, my parents had divorced, and my father had moved to Quito, the bustling capital city, seven hours from our sleepy hometown. That summer, my mother sent my older sisters and me to spend a few weeks with him. He had found a beautiful house in a posh neighborhood, living there with his new girlfriend. I overheard my aunts whispering about how he got the place well below market value.

Arriving at the house, I was awestruck by its grandeur. A massive, fenced yard with towering trees became our playground. My dad and his girlfriend would leave for work in the mornings, leaving us to explore and play. I was about eight or nine, and while the house’s size impressed me, it never felt cozy or welcoming. It was a place where you felt on guard, cautious not to break or dirty anything. This unease came from the house itself, not from my dad, who was easygoing and had the same furniture in his next place without giving off the same vibe.

The summer passed uneventfully, and by the next year, my dad had moved on, both from the house and his relationship. His ex-girlfriend’s sister took over the lease, moving in with her 13-year-old son, Dorian. Her life seemed perfect: a thriving career, a solid marriage, and she was expecting twins after years of trying. Everything seemed idyllic.

Then tragedy struck. The twins were born healthy, but within a month, one of the babies drowned while being bathed by their mother. The incident sent her spiraling into despair. Six months later, Dorian also drowned in the bathtub. Rumors swirled, suggesting intoxication, but his toxicology reports came back clean. The inexplicable death broke his mother, landing her in a mental institution. The family’s fate became a tragic mystery.

The house’s dark history began to unfold. My dad had rented it cheaply because the owners struggled to sell or rent it. The house had been a daycare center where several children died… all by drowning. The reputation of the house as a place of inexplicable drownings haunted its halls.

Reflecting on those summer days, the eerie feeling that something was off about the house made sense. It wasn’t just an unsettling sensation — it was the echo of untold tragedies whispering through the walls.

Before you leave

  1. Did you know the clap counter goes up to 50?
  2. Check out my work on:
    Twin Flames
    Past Life Regressions
    Human Design

