MIT Bootcamp Alumni Reunion — Boston 2020

Moment-by-Moment Photo/Video Chronicle & Updates from the Event


Live Sessions — 4th and Last Day

Day 4 — March 13

In which Razvan demonstrates proper sanitation, and we learn and iterate together the entire day through this live virtual interactive learning experience.

Things are quickly moving into the online space of connection.

Says Nancy Nash, from the reunion planning team: “These 4 days showed me what is possible under the most extreme of circumstances.
Excited to see what we can accomplish together going forward. Thank you again to everyone who attended and helped plan for making this an amazing event! Excited to plan the next one with you!”

Morning & Afternoon Events and Sessions

All Live Sessions that we were able to broadcast took place on Zoom and on Facebook Live Video. We did our very best to live stream EVERYTHING we could, but grappled with innumerable tech and audio challenges — it was a sudden and steep learning curve.

Day 4 was another intense day

The last day of our Reunion was yet another day packed with a full and diverse schedule, including: several speaker presentations, an info session delivered by Harvard Business School, an Alumni Sustainable Capitalism hackathon, and the participation of Bill Aulet in a finale session, to formally close the 4-day event.

The sessions were all carried out in a mixed online-offline format, with some attendees joining live from the Workbar, and others connecting in via remote. Due to the escalation of the COVID-19 situation, all of our guest speakers opted to dial in digitally, rather than participate in person. This presented us with a considerable technological challenge, but on the other hand enabled us to concentrate more on opening up the event to those Alumni who had not been able to fly to Boston to attend the reunion.

  • Wasim Mohideen — Beyond 24 steps
  • Emmanuel Arnaud — Home Exchange
  • Raffaele Colella & Max Faingezicht — on Media Sustainability and Sustainability of Remote Work
  • John Howard — MIT Horizon Session
  • Rachel Frankenfield — HBS Info Session
Lunch break at the Workbar
  • Alumni Round Table & Hackathon session
Hackathon on Sustainable Capitalism

Finale: how to end with a BANG!

Bill Aulet gave his closing address at our Boston Alumni Reunion finale, connecting in at 6.30pm EDT / 11.30pm CET despite the turbulent and difficult times, role modelling for us the anti-fragile attitude and spirit and, as always, inspiring us with his words.

Bill was our Chief Speaker at the Reunion closing finale moment

More than nineteen participants via remote (on Zoom, and via the connected Facebook live video stream) and approximately 20 remaining Reunion attendees (some had needed to suddenly leave due to increasing travel disruptions) joined from the Workbar in Cambridge, MA. tune in to listen to Bill Aulet’s closing speech.

Bill Aulet’s Reunion closing speech — on Zoom

The Reunion attendees then enjoyed a buffet dinner at the Workbar,

and ended their evening at The Field pub:

Click below to check out what happened:

For reasons that I have explained in another article “There, But Not There”, I was in Boston but in stealth mode, i.e., not attending the Reunion events. So, the upside is: it puts me in the shoes of those who could not physically make the trip. I am thus collecting all the visual fragments — like tasty crumbs — that our fellow-Bootcampers are dropping behind them on the trail of their Great Adventure, to reshare with the rest of the community. Enjoy!



Rachel Hentsch
MIT Bootcamp Alumni — Community Press

I'm Swiss/Chinese/Italian. I dream big. I believe in #daring and #sharing for #empowerment. Forever searching for the 72-hour-day.