[EXTENDED] Call For Papers: Cryptoeconomic Systems Spring ’20 Conference

Wassim Alsindi
2 min readSep 17, 2019



We are pleased to announce a Call For Papers for a two-day event to be held in Boston in early March: Cryptoeconomic Systems (CES) ’20.

Acknowledging the busy time of year, we wish to give researchers additional time to finalize work and therefore CES ‘20 submissions will remain open until November 19th whilst commencing the review process with papers already submitted.

Topics of interest include all contexts of cryptoeconomic systems with emphasis on computer science, economics and law. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged. We are searching for the following types of submissions: research papers, SoKs, meta-analyses, subject surveys, measurement papers, and working papers. Submissions can be up to 5000 words excluding references and appendices.

Accepted papers for Cryptoeconomic Systems ’20 will be presented at the conference and included in a forthcoming edition of the Cryptoeconomic Systems Journal — online with print edition to follow.

Key Information:
̶O̶c̶t̶o̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶2̶9̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ Extended to November 19 2019 (HotCRP)
Author notification: January 18 2020
Camera Ready: February 2 2020
Conference: Early March 2020

Contact: chairs@cryptoeconomic.systems

Cryptoeconomic Systems Program Committee

The Program Committee for our March event is below. For details on our Editorial Board see here.

Content Chairs & Journal Editors-In-Chief:

Andrew Miller (UIUC / IC3)

Neha Narula (MIT DCI)

Local Chairs:

Wassim Alsindi (MIT DCI)

Rhys Lindmark (MIT DCI)

Program Committee:

Robleh Ali (MIT DCI)

Man Ho Allen Au (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Sarah Azouvi (University College London)

Foteini Baldimtsi (George Mason University)

Balázs Bodó (University of Amsterdam)

Rainer Böhme (University of Innsbruck)

Ethan Buchman (Interchain Foundation)

Benedikt Bunz (Stanford University)

Christian Cachin (University of Bern)

Bram Cohen (Chia)

Philip Daian (Cornell Tech / IC3)

Christian Decker (Blockstream)

Tadge Dryja (MIT DCI)

Rick Dudley (Vulcanize)

Ittay Eyal (Technion / IC3)

Cyril Grunspan (ESILV)

Hanna Halaburda (NYU Stern)

Zhiguo He (Chicago Booth)

Ethan Heilman (Arwen)

Philipp Jovanovic (EFPL / UCL)

Aniket Kate (Purdue University)

Summer Kim (University of California, Irvine)

Sarah Jamie Lewis (Open Privacy)

Jacky Mallett (Reykjavik University)

Patrick McCorry (Pisa Research)

Catherine Meadows (Naval Research Laboratory)

Tyler Moore (University of Tulsa)

Pedro Moreno-Sanchez (TU Vienna)

Patrick Murck (Transparent Systems)

Andrew Poelstra (Blockstream)

Jason Potts (RMIT)

James Prestwich (Summa)

Lane Rettig (Spacemesh)

Carla Reyes (Michigan State University)

Dan Robinson (Paradigm)

Tim Ruffing (Blockstream)

Jeremy Rubin (MIT DCI)

Stefanie Roos (TU Delft)

Thibault Schrepel (Utrecht University)

Alfred Taudes (WU Vienna)

Madars Virza (MIT DCI)

Angela Walch (St. Mary’s Law / UCL CBT)

