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MIT Security Seminar
MIT Security Seminar
Summary of talks from the MIT security seminar
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Opaque: An Oblivious and Encrypted Distributed Analytics Platform

Raluca Ada Popa came to MIT to give a talk on her recent NSDI paper that provides a platform to perform oblivious distributed analytics.

Prio: Private, Robust, and Efficient Computation of Aggregate Statistics

Henry Corrigan-Gibbs came to give a talk on his NSDI paper on private computation of aggregate statistics. I’ll provide an overview of his work, but for more details, especially on the cryptography…

Attacking the Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Aanchal Malhotra from Boston University came to the MIT security seminar to talk about attacks on NTP. This talk was related to a paper she published and presented at NDSS 2016. I will give an overview and outline of the talk, and I refer you to the paper…

Selene: Voter-friendly, Receipt-free Verification

This week at the MIT security seminar, Peter Y A Ryan from University of Luxembourg came to talk about Selene, a new way to do vote verifications. I only provide a high level overview in this post, but if you are interested, Peter has made his…