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MIT Security Seminar
MIT Security Seminar
Summary of talks from the MIT security seminar
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Understanding Code-Reuse Attacks and Reducing Attack Surface

Georgios Portokalidis came to MIT to talk about his recent work on understanding code-reuse attacks.

What is a code reuse attack? They are attacks repurposing existing components. In particular, they…

Beyond Sanitizers: Guided fuzzing and security hardening

Kostya Serebryany from Google came to give a talk about his experience building dynamic testing tools. I’ll present an overview of his talk, which includes work from various papers. To learn more about each individual tool, you can…

Software-Defined Metadata Processing

Andre Dehon from Draper Labs and University of Pennsylvania came to give a talk at the security seminar on his work for software-defined metadata processing.

Computers are vulnerable, but the world is changing because silicon is cheap and…