Meal`n`Real — Episode 4

Nikita Korolov
Published in
19 min readSep 11, 2022


The fourth game week is almost finished. It seems that the players took a short break after the violent and active events that we described in the previous episodes. This week they have been busy with the final destruction of the cultist settlements on the continent, local battles within some zones, developing their settlements, and considering their following strategies and options for events they may face. Therefore, now there is almost quiet in the game. And those few hot and interesting events that did take place will be mentioned.

Which digest format to choose when there is a game lull and almost no action on the map? We decided to introduce you closer to the main characters of the test, highlighting them in the publication, where you can find out their path and history.

The first one we will tell you about is the guild that we started the week with in the announcement channel, announced in the middle of the week, and want to end this week with — the TombStone guild.

TombStone DAO beginning

How did this guild appear, and where did its creation originate from? The guild was founded by its leader Ihor under the nickname UkrBot at the beginning of this year. As we learned from the article he released this week, it was made up of friends and colleagues. But how was it created? Let’s take it in order.

Ihor has quite a lot of experience in various online games. Over the years, he has met different experienced gamers who have been tested on the battlefield in more than one battle, and there were people around him from real life whom he trusts and who share his views.

There were like-minded people around UkrBot, but the question of where to go and where to try to prove yourself remained open until the Mithraeum project did not come into his focus. He had the opportunity to be one of the first people who could participate in the closed test of a new project. A project no one knew about. After the test, Ihor realized that it hooked him and was very close to his vision of an ideal game he would like to play and spend time with friends in.

A closed test meant that after it, there would be a regular test round where developers would want to see much more people. In the interview of our first episode, UkrBot told us that the idea of ​​​​creating his own DAO came to him during a series of meetings and drinking with his friend. He understood that there was the ideal opportunity to realize his plans, and there was nothing better than entering the project at the early stage. To be the first runner and have almost equal conditions with the other participants who will just come to get acquainted with the project. Therefore, he began to share his ideas and thoughts with the people around him, who supported and followed him.

Piranha among sharks

As a result, we have a small guild that consists partly of experienced gamers and partly of ambitious people who are trusted by their leader. People who do not know each other, everyone knows a maximum couple of people. People, most of whom have never had experience in the crypto world. The guild consisted of 25 people.

Everything had been discussed many times already. Actions to be taken at the time of settling. And then came the day of the test start, which involved 320 players. Tombstone was not even 10% of all participants, and it no longer seemed that everyone there was equal. They wanted to follow a clear plan, according to which they would try to settle into 2 neighboring zones out of 8. But no one knew how the settling would take place. The players had only the start date. Everyone thought that the whole world would open up at that exact time, and they would quickly choose a zone to occupy. But the world started to be opened up one zone at a time. That made the task more difficult, but the guys were not confused. They did not think for a long time or wait for the right moment. But almost immediately took a leap of faith and settled in the second and third zones that were opened for the players.

A few days later, everyone in the guild said they did not expect the game to be on such a high level and were delighted. Everyone started spending more time on the game than initially planned. They all woke up with alarms several times a night to make just a few clicks that would give so much in the future, and it became more than a game for the guys.

TombStone army maneuver

We will skip the game details, leaving the opportunity to tell the TombStone guild.

But at the finish line, TombStone got what they wanted from the very beginning, having gone through numerous battles and fought back in their main zones. This was achieved thanks to the plenty of correct decisions of UkrBot, his agreements with others, the cohesive work of the whole guild, and their military leader — Radiat, who was engaged in the military strategy and attacking the enemies in all directions at the same time. The guild created an alliance with the other small guild, which helped them succeed in their zones. Degen Dao became this ally. A powerful alliance on which the two sides’ future was built in the Mithraeum World.

Alliance of TombStone and Degen Guild fight against Ready Player Dao
Alliance operation

Whether it was luck, the stars aligned, or thoughtful planning and a quality game, let everyone answer for himself. But from the statistics UkrBot provided in his article, we can see that a small guild managed to take 30% of the total prize pool. With that, everyone went on a break and new planning until August.

Top places

Our days

Five months passed, and we met TombStone again, but far from being an underdog about whom no one knew, who, during the winter test, did not fully understand what they could claim. This time they came as one of the favorites, those who should be reckoned with, who should be in dialogue with, and who should be feared. They gained confidence, and their goals were completely different. A guild that hadn’t grown much in numbers, but its appetites had increased significantly.

On the new test, the world consists of 20 zones, in 6 of which the guys settled. In the first 3 weeks, they solved all matters with competitors, and it happened not at the negotiating table but on the battlefield, making it clear that they were not going to share. Having knocked out one of the favorites of the test, we see that now they are expecting more than 6 zones. And we would like to remind you that the union of two small guilds from the last test is also growing and bearing fruit.

TombStone attacks Metaguild

Let’s not continue about what the guys are doing in the game. There is still a lot of time before the end of the test, and anything can happen. And the main events of the week are already covered in the weekly digest. We want to touch on their development outside of it.

The guild, created from friends of one person’s virtual and real world, continues to grow and thinks about its development and future in Web3. They get on the path of the DAO by developing the social component. We observe their activity, thereby supporting the project and developing ourselves at the same time.


Example twitter activity

The growth and progress are very noticeable.
We can only wish them good luck and at least support them with this publication for their project support and active contribution to its development. They are on the right track. Many projects value activity. They will pay attention and want to see such a guild in their ranks. Let them set new goals, do not stop, and move forward. Then they will definitely succeed.

Position and Structure

The guild positions itself as hardcore players who want to invest their time and money in worthy games and are against some likeness of games where people come for farming and quick money without the pleasure of the gameplay.

The current number of guild members turned out to be a secret, but we heard that it is growing daily. The atmosphere inside is warm and cheerful. Because everyone already knows each other.

We got an interesting answer to the frequently asked question about how to enter the TombStone guild — you need to drink beer with them. At the moment, they are developing an onboarding system, but first of all, it is a guild of friends and their friends.

TombStone has a very simple structure. A guild leader heads the RNBO Council (NSDC) — he is responsible for making all the important decisions. There is also an authoritative backbone of veterans who are also allowed to manage the guild. The players who are in these two councils, who have the time and competence — this is the government that manages all processes.


We learned more about the guild, its creation, the first experience, what it looks like now, where it moves, and its principles and structure. But we would like to return to the beginning and finally tell you about its leader and open the curtain on some facts and details.

After the conversation, we know he is an over 30 years old young man from Ukraine. As Ihor noted, by his nickname, it is clear that he is from the Hero City — Kyiv.

In real life, Ihor is engaged in many things — entrepreneurial and cultural activities, but at the moment, he devotes more time to the crypto world, being here for about 5–6 years, and volunteering.

As for his gaming experience, it is hard to list everything he has played, but the most iconic games are the Civilization, Heroes (HoMM), Disciples, Warcraft, OGame, and eRepublik series of games. As for the last two games, Ihor was ten times the president of e-Ukraine in eRepublik and the alliance leader in OGame. He said that the results in other games are difficult to say because if he starts playing something, he is often at the top.

He learned about Mithraeum by a lucky chance. And that perhaps in the future, he will be able to tell in more detail, but at the moment, everything looks very mysterious. We only managed to find out that his authority in another project (game) and his knowledge in the crypto world led him to an interesting acquaintance, which, as a result, opened the Mithraeum World to him.

Moving to the game, the leader is absolutely satisfied with the start of his guild, old and reliable allies, and new acquaintances. He noted that in the first month, they achieved all tasks.

UkrBot does not want to reveal all the cards about his plans and TombStone, as it will be a very long story.

We asked for feedback about Mithraeum and heard very pleasant and warm words — “If we compare the project with other crypto games, it is evident that Mithraeum has a great future.” The same we want to wish UkrBot and his guild. And thank him for the answers. We are glad that such guilds and leaders arise thanks to our project. The life of the project becomes much richer and more fun.

UkrBot — TombStone Leader


Video contest
At the beginning of the week, we announced the results of our video contest. Two representatives of different guilds won:

They made completely different videos. Even the languages differed. But we liked their results.

We can sum up how the players handled the first cultist summoning. The mission was done almost perfectly.

  • In 17 zones — all the cultists were killed
  • In 1 zone — not all the cultists were killed — 5 of them remained
  • In 2 zones — they were not even touched

The ordengg guild players seem tired of the RPD’s regular visits to their settlements in the Coldwater zone. Ready tried to inflict damage on a few settlements in the zone of their dominance but had no luck.

This week, the representatives of the ordengg went to counter-attack, destroying the RPD settlements in this zone one by one.

ordengg attacks Ready Player Dao in Coldwater.

Our players content
The TombStone leader — UkrBot, published a blog where he told about his guild, their first acquaintance with Mithraeum, and shared his thoughts about the Web3 game world. He said it was the first article in the series, and he will continue.

One of the Degen Guild leaders — Hyper Doge, started a gripping Twitter thread where he shared his vision about the Mithraeum military mechanics.

Our video contest encouraged Resest to create a YouTube channel where he will make educational content, cover what is happening in the project, and do exciting interviews in the Ukrainian language.

YouTube channel

Feed the flames

The most important thing is to let the enemy believe that everything is under his control, wait until he relaxes and inflict a major defeat. The game will not end the way everything is now.

One-on-One in the TAVERN

Mithraeum is a social game, and community is very important to us. We want our players to interact with each other and us. And thus, we added a digest section where we introduce you to different guilds and their leaders (and players), giving you more understanding of your allies and competitors with whom you share the same zone.

In this episode, we will continue our acquaintance with guild leaders. We talked to two leaders of new guilds — ANAYES, the Lizamix leader, and Kenney, the Chamomile leader. We asked guys the same questions to know more about these guilds. So let’s see what came out of it. I want to say right away that this is not the last time we communicate with them or with representatives of their guilds. So we will still have the chance to know the guys and their guilds better.

ANAYES— Lizamix Leader

Could you please tell me about yourself and your guild?? How did the idea for creation come about? What do you do outside of the game — in real life?

To introduce ourselfs, we are a group of IRL (in real life) friends we have studied together for years, we are around 23 years old and our professions range from engineering (agriculture,IT …) to medicine, gaming is a huge part of our life it has been our main hobby for years we have played together many strategy games and MMORPGs and got interested in crypto a year ago, we love testing new upcoming games that we see potential in a lot of our members heavily played Axie infinity, and we also participated in a testing round of a strategy crypto game called Conquest where we dominated, we got to know Mithraeum from discords our members are a part of and got really interested so we decided to make our guild official and try and participate, we plan to make the guild bigger and better and hopefully have a positive impact on the game experience in Mithraeum.

This is your first acquaintance with the project. Please tell us what you think about the game. What do you like about it? Was it difficult to understand the main mechanics? And what do you think needs to be improved?

This is mostly our first try of the game, we have watched how the last round went and we spent a lot of time reading the articles explaining how the game works and the new mechanics this round, the game is pretty straightforward in terms of gameplay what makes it VERY interesting is when it combines with politics and relationships with other players and guilds (which happens very early into the game), so based on our experience so far all of our members have enjoyed the thrill that the social aspect provides and are planning to play the future rounds too.

Did the settling go according to the plan?

The settling didn’t go according to plan we found it difficult at first to settle in the region we planned to settle in, although we had discussions with other guilds about their territories to avoid high settlement cost but we had to make a list min change to finally settle in Boccatopia.

Tell us a little about the structure you have for playing Mithraeum. Is it all run by one person? Or is it several people, and each has its own role?

For this round, we haven’t really had plans of roles due to fact that we had to change our settlement plan last second, so every single player we have tries to advance the most possible in their own pace, and we of course help each other when resources are needed, this seemed important to us starting this round so all of us can have a feel of how hard it is to manage the resources, produce military when needed, upgrade fort…

What is your role? Will you play by yourself? Or just observe and manage?

My role personally right now is almost the same as all members, we like to discuss our decisions either IRL or on discord where we can have the opinion of our other members, other than that I’m the representative of our guild and I do the negotiations on their behalf after discussing our goals.

Could you tell us more about what is happening around you and your zone?

Our zone (Boccatopia mainly) was very peaceful at first, when the round started we reached out to RPD to discuss the situation of one of our settlements that landed on Starryhill, we wanted to make sure they know we are not hostile and that we would like to be allies due to the fact that we are neighbors on the south of the map, the response we had was very neutral, after some small guilds were attacked we found out that we were the next target for RPD and that they were planning to let Boccatopia to be held by Degen guild (we have proof), that being said we had to be on guard we raised military and started getting ready, while this was happening ordengg was expending into many regions including ours and pumping resources into settlements, we also tried to reach out to ordengg, to which they answered that we had a conflict of interest and refused to explain what conflict we have, so we were in a though spot. But due to the rapid expension of ordengg, they became a bigger target than us, and a big alliance was formed to attack them, and we were invited to this alliance by RPD (the same guild that was planning to take our region) we ofcourse continued the negotiations with both parties and finally with all the facts being set and us knowing that RPD had us as a target we thought it wouldn’t make sense if we help them so they later attack us, we decided that the best course of action would be to form an alliance with ordengg which had help peace with us in our region although they had invaded the region heavily, we helped them and also took care of the cultist settlement as a token of trust coming from our side. And from that point, our region is mainly focused on preparing and dealing with cultists.

Do you have friends among other guilds? Or an alliance with someone?

Yes, we actually found early on into the round some friends in other guilds which we have encountered before on other crypto games, but when it comes to alliances we have an alliance with our neighbors in Boccatopia ordengg and we have good relationships with other guilds.

Who do you consider a competitor, and who should you be afraid of?
We don’t think we have a direct competition now, the neighboring regions could be considered competition but our positioning in the map and our alliance makes it very favorable for us in terms of risk.

How did you find out about Mithraeum?

We found out about Mithraeum through a friend and through other discord servers.

What games do you play in parallel with Mithraeum?
For now, due to our work/studies we mainly only play Mithraeum in our free time.

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

The social aspect is the most important and unique side of Mithraeum, it makes it different from other games we’ve tried before and it has the benefit of making the gameplay very different as the time goes by and relationships are created or destroyed.

Kenney — Chamomile Leader

Could you please tell me about yourself and your guild?? How did the idea for creation come about? What do you do outside of the game — in real life?

The idea to create a guild came about when the Kingdomclash project was launched on the WAX blockchain.
Several former Travian players (Kingdomclash is the blockchain equivalent of Travian) and I decided to form a guild of guys we have known for a long time from participating in many projects on WAX.
Now there are more than 30 players on the team — IT specialists, programmers, and bloggers. We are all united by our love for the WAX blockchain.
I work as a marketing analyst. In my free time, I try to lead this glorious team :)

This is your first acquaintance with the project. Please tell us what you think about the game. What do you like about it? Was it difficult to understand the main mechanics? And what do you think needs to be improved?

As I repeated several times in the chats, this is the best blockchain project we have seen for most of the guys in the guild and me. Quite uncomplicated and interesting enough. However, there is room for improvement, primarily in the game balance between guilds.

Did the settling go according to the plan?

Yes, we had a goal to place as many settlements close to each other as possible.
We had only 80 BLESS tokens and 15 players who needed to be given the opportunity to have the settlement.
We executed the plan and could put even 17 lands for 80 BLESS. However, some of the settlements had to be placed at a distance.
We hoped then to exchange the settlements “on the outskirts” for those that would be closer to our main backbone.
But that didn’t happen :)

We know the game didn’t turn out well for your guild because of your neighbors. But please tell us how your gameplay is going now?

We are thinking about how to annoy our wonderful neighbors. Unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to compete for prizes. In general, we monitor the development of events in the game)

Which options have you tried to solve the сcurrent problems around you?

It was clear from the very beginning that Tombstone had to accept any conditions to become their ally.
They didn’t offer us anything. Only we offered.
When we were already attacked by all the forces of several large guilds, it became clear that all our proposed options were rejected.
The only thing left was accepting defeat. We did not have time to develop the military part by that time.

Do you have friends among other guilds? Or an alliance with someone?

Yes, we have. The negotiations are underway with different players and guilds to participate in the next test round. We will certainly prepare better by doing diplomacy now.

Will you participate in the future Mithraeum test? Do you have any plans for it?

Of course, as I said, we are getting ready. There is nothing more promising in P2E. We must compete for prizes in Mithraeum and help to develop the project.

How did you find out about Mithraeum?

recloner personally invited me. He found me in the Kingdomclash chat. I thought that again scammer was writing to me on a personal. Having figured it out, I already started relying on the guys. Getting WAX fans on a blockchain they had not heard about before was not easy.

What games do you play in parallel with Mithraeum?

Some guys are involved in different projects, mostly on WAX. As a guild, we have high hopes for the Kingdomclash project. I am sure there will be something else soon where we will join the whole team.

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

I answered this question in great detail in the podcast we recorded for the project. Everyone who understands Russian — I advise you to watch it.

In one word — it is an approach. The competent approach of developers to the project significantly distinguishes Mithraeum from other games. I am 100% sure that the problems identified during this test will be solved in the next test.

We want to thank the guys for their responsiveness, answers, and consent to participate in our new experimental column. I am sure we will have many exciting things ahead in the game and beyond it. Good luck!

Feed the flames
Do you have something to say? Maybe you are dissatisfied with embassies’ alliances or guild leaders’ decisions and simply want to vent out. Or you just want to say ‘hello’ to some guilds or the Mithraeum dev team. Maybe you want to mislead other players and get them into your strategic trap?

Whatever the case, fill out the form below, anonymously or under your name, and we will publish the selected pieces. It is your chance to feed the Mithraeum flames! 🔥


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