MITH Good Read — Lit App — the Best Way to Be in Touch with Your Audience

by Sergio Mendes

8 min readSep 23, 2018


It’s time for “MITH Good Read”. We are inviting you all to travel with us in the words of MITH supporters worldwide, who share their experience of using Lit and Vault on Medium.

This time, we have Sergio from the UK to share what he thinks about Lit app and Vault. Come join social mining on Lit with Sergio now!

We had asked for Sergio’s permission to share and translate his article for our community on Medium. Content below is quoted from his article:

The Future is here and Lit is the future

If You are an online creator/influencer one of the most important and fun parts it is to be in touch with Your audience and the People that appreciate and support Your work.

In this New Era People Love to know what You are up to in Real Live Time and what better way to share that than with photos and short video clips.

Click to Check the Lit app

That’s why Lit App it is the best tool You can use to do this. Lit is a mobile app that allow You to create photography and short videos that will be available for 24 hours disappearing after that.

You might have heard about this concept before but now because Lit it is connected to the Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-20) it will change the game and blow Your mind. Because Everyone can earn rewards by using Lit. Both Creators and Audience can be rewarded.

How does Lit Work?

Lit app is very simple to use and it is at the same time a very powerful tool to have in Your pocket (literally). To Upload Your photos or videos using Lit You can do it in App using their camera that comes already with filters and You also can add text or You can access to Your phone gallery and upload any photo or video You have there.

This stories will be available on Your profile for 24 hours and will disappear after that.

Lit App Display

Lit allow You to be followed and follow other users so this way it makes it easier to grow Your influence because if People choose to follow You they won’t ever miss Your stories.

Another very important functionality is the Messages. Yes People can comment in all Your stories creating this way a new message on Your message box. Where You can choose to allow and reply or not…

Why is Lit better than Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook Stories?

Lit is a mobile app that reward all their users for the interaction on the blockchain. While on other social networks as a creator You will have to get sponsorships to get rewarded and monetize Your Social Media content. Using Lit You will be automatically rewarded with all the interactions through Social mining on the Ethereum Blockchain (but we will get into that later).

So even if the temporary stories system it is not something new, clearly Lit decided to make the difference by introducing a reward system that makes it the best place for You to publish Your stories.

If You are a Creator and You want to bank with Your stories You can do it now and also if You are someone’s fan now You can be rewarded as well. It is a win/win situation. Audiences have been supporting online creators for a long time and never got nothing in return. Now with Lit that have changed.

How does Lit Reward everyone? What is MITH

This is probably the whole reason You are here to know and understand how Lit reward their users. And it is very simple, MITH is the answer. MITH is a token on the ERC-20 and Lit app have decided to adopt this token to reward their users through Social Mining. MITH is a cryptocurrency on the market that is exploring a new way to mine. If You are into Cryptocurrencies You know how Bitcoin is mined but now with the new blockchain technology there are other ways to mine the tokens. That is opening a lot of doors to online creators be able to get rewarded by their interactions with their audience.

So You can do what You already do all over the internet but be rewarded for that.

You can check all the information about MITH by Clicking Here

Access to Your Rewards is very simple. MITH Vault.

You want to make some rewards online but obviously You want to be able to have access to them. MITH have released their MITH Vault that You can connect with one click to the Lit App and this way all the MITH You get rewarded on Lit is straight away available on the MITH Vault.

Something else very exciting is that Ethereum is also available on the MITH Vault and You can exchange straight away Your MITH for Ethereum or the other way around. That way making it easier for You to cash out Your Ethereum since MITH is still only available in some exchanges.

Staking MITH to level up and make Your social mining faster and this way You can earn even more rewards.

This is another function on the Mithril Vault where You are allowed to stack MITH. There is a level system that will get higher as You stack more MITH there. This way the more MITH You stack and the longer You will leave it staking the faster is Your social mining speed allowing You to get higher rewards.

With a very intuitive and beautiful clear design the page looks great and making the user experience very pleasant and smooth.

Click Here to create Your MITH Vault Account and connect it to Your Lit App.

Mobile App Available on iOS and Android

Some good news to everyone out there, Lit want everyone to get access and be able to use this amazing App so either You are a iOS or an Android user You can take advantage of the all the benefits in both versions. They available to download on the AppStore and GooglePlay.

Download for Android
Download for iOS

How can You resist to download it and start using it straight away? If You want to get Your hand in the Lit App and be part of this whole revolution.

If You want to step up Your Social Media game and be one of the cool kids that are part of this Social Media Revolution You should Download Lit and start having fun right now.

I will be there personally waiting for You. When You install it make sure You go and use the search bar to find me in there (my Username is thesassysergio) and send me a message. That way I will know You are there and You can tell me what You think about it.

Will be waiting for Your Message in there.


“Short Clips” on Lit app. New Feature releasing this September.

And You thought this was all? This is just the beginning. Lit is a very new App and it is ever evolving and getting ready to satisfy the creators needs and help them give their audiences what they want.

That’s why from this September Lit is launching their new “Short Clips” feature that will allow users not only to upload their short videos on the app (that You can do it already) but will allow to sync them with music and also post produce them in app.

This is a very exciting addition to their features because short videos are a very popular way to be in touch with Your audience but sometimes You want to add some extras to make the video more interesting and appealing to everyone. If You get offered this option in a way that is of easy access it makes the App even more appealing to a broader group of content creators that base their content in Video.

Said this I only see reasons for You to go and start using Lit everyday and keep Your eyes open for the new updates this September to be one of the first ones using this feature and show everyone how cool You are.

You can read all about this new feature in this Article:

Come join me and be part of this Social Media Revolution

Personally I use Lit every single day and I have a lot of fun in it. Not only I am being rewarded to create but also I am meeting a lot of amazing People that are on the first wave of new creators that are changing Social Media as I write and You read this.

Wait no longer. Go Download and install Lit. Connect with me @thesassysergio and send me a message with Your opinion about it because I want to know if You love it as much as I do.

Original article:


Lit App — 與觀眾互動的最佳方式

by Sergio Mendes

秘銀推出「秘閱旅行」單元,其中匯集各國粉絲使用 Lit 及 Vault 的心得,跟著粉絲們發表的文字一同遊歷世界!

本次要介紹的是 — — 來自英國的 Sergio 為大家介紹 Lit app 和 Vault。快和 Sergio 一起加入 Lit 來社交挖礦!

我們徵求了 Sergio 的同意,感謝他讓我們轉載並翻譯他的文章,讓我們可以與更多用戶分享。以下是引用自 Sergio 的文章:

未來,由 Lit 即刻定義



點擊查看 Lit App

這也就是為什麼 Lit 應用程式是個絕佳平台。Lit 是個手機應用程式,你能在該平台上傳照片、影片或短影片,24 小時後便會消失。

或許這個概念早已屢見不鮮,不過 Lit 連結了以太坊 ERC-20 後便扭轉局勢、且絕對讓使用者意想不到。任何人都能透過使用 Lit 賺取獎勵 — 創作者和使用者互利共生。

該如何使用 Lit 呢?

Lit 應用程式操作簡易、老嫗能解,同時也是你唾手可得的好物。若要將照片或影片上傳至 Lit,直接使用應用程式照相即可並套用隨附的濾鏡,也可以自行加上文字,或是從手機內的相簿隨意選取照片或影片。

Lit App 介面

限時動態將會於個人檔案中存放24 小時,24 小時過後便會消失。你可在 Lit 上追蹤其他用戶,而其他用戶也能成為你的粉絲。這樣的互動模式讓你能夠輕易發揮自己的影響力。當其他用戶追蹤你後,便再也不會錯過任何你的動態了!


Lit 為何大勝 Snapchat, Instagram 或 Facebook 的限時動態呢?

Lit 是個透過區塊鏈獎勵所有使用者的手機應用程式。當你使用其他的社群媒體時,必須透過投放廣告或贊助才能從自己的社群媒體創作中獲利。反觀 Lit,你將能基於所有在以太坊區塊鏈上的互動自動進行社交挖礦(這點我們稍後再詳談)。

因此,儘管限時動態比比皆是,但 Lit 卻憑藉著導入獎勵系統而成為發佈限時動態的首選平台。

如果你是位創作者,想透過限時動態獲利的話,請馬上行動!而若你成為其他用戶的粉絲,也能夠獲得獎勵。這是個雙贏局面。許多觀看者一直以來都不求回報地支持著網路上的創作者,而 Lit 卻扭轉了這早已根深柢固的概念。

Lit 如何獎勵所有使用者?MITH 又是什麼呢?

或許你點開這篇文章的目的,是想要了解 Lit 究竟如何做到獎勵所有用戶的。這其實非常簡單,答案就是:秘銀幣。秘銀幣是基於以太坊 ERC-20 代幣標準所發行的去中心化代幣,且 Lit 決定使用這個貨幣作為使用者社交挖礦的獎勵。秘銀幣為虛擬貨幣市場中,引領先鋒、打造新穎挖礦方式的虛擬貨幣。若你悉知虛擬貨幣,你便早已知道比特幣是透過挖礦所獲得。但是現在,隨著區塊鏈技術的發展,虛擬貨幣的挖礦方式也日漸多元。這對網路上的創作者來說開啟了無限可能,且能夠透過與觀看者的互動獲利。


點此了解更多 MITH 的資訊。


從網路上獲得獎勵固然超棒,但你必須要能夠掌管這些資產。秘銀日前發布了秘銀金庫,讓你能夠一鍵連接 Lit 應用程式上的帳號。如此一來,你便能直接透過秘銀金庫掌管透過 Lit 所賺取的秘銀幣。





點此申請秘銀金庫帳號,並連接至 Lit 應用程式!

iOS 和 Android 雙平台同步供應

所有使用者都有福了! Lit 希望人人都能使用這個應用程式,因此在 iOS 和 Android 兩個平台同步供應。不論你使用哪一隻手機,皆能享受所有功能及樂趣。你可從 AppStore 和 GooglePlay 下載 Lit。

下載 Android Lit App

心動是否就該馬上行動呢?若想要開始使用 Lit 並齊身此革命的一員;若想要在社群平台上使出渾身解數、成為風雲人物,請馬上下載 Lit 並盡情享受這一切!

我會親自在此恭候你!一旦你下載 Lit 之後,請在 Lit 搜尋我並傳送訊息跟我說一聲(我的帳號是 thesassysergio)。這樣我就知道你也淪陷 Lit 啦!歡迎告訴我你的想法!

等你傳訊息到 @thesassysergio 囉!

Lit App 將於九月隆重推出「短影片」功能!

你以為就這樣嗎?這還只是冰山一角呢!Lit 是個全新的應用程式,且將不斷優化、改造以符合廣大創作者的需求,也將幫助創作者能夠讓其觀看者心滿意足。

這也就是為什麼 Lit 將於九月推出全新的「短影片」功能。使用者能在應用程式中上傳短影片(跟現在一樣),另外還可加上配樂、並在應用程式中後製該影片。


我想,這也就是你可以現在開始每天使用 Lit 的原因,並敬請期待九月即將推出的新功能!請搶先使用這個功能,再向朋友炫耀你是如何走在科技的尖端!



我個人是每天都會用 Lit ,且也享受著其帶給我的全方位樂趣。除了創作有獎賞可以領取之外,我也在該平台上認識了許許多多有趣的人們,各個都是引領先鋒的創作者,在我撰寫、你閱讀這篇文章的同時,他們已經在改寫社群媒體的歷史。

馬上行動吧!現在就下載並安裝 Lit。搜尋 @thesassysergio 並傳訊息告訴我你的想法。我想知道你是否跟我一樣欲罷不能!

