MITH Weekly | 秘銀週報 11/23/2018

Your Second Social Mining Friend “Yeemos”!

4 min readNov 23, 2018


MITH has inked deal with its second social mining partner, “Yeemos” on November 23rd. Yeemos is a brand new social mining APP joining the MITH ecosystem! Choose your own audience, mine with more privacy, or even anonymous. Stay tuned!

MITH Forge Fund appoints Ms. Kheng Lian Ho as Founding Partner and Managing Director

Kheng Lian Ho, a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur, the founder of Kollective Ventures, and venture partner at Vectr Ventures has been appointed as the new founding partner / managing director of MITH Forge Fund. Click the news title for more details.

MITH VP, Wilson is featured on “Blocktrend”

MITH VP, Wilson got invited to sit in on an interview with a podcast show “Blocktrend”, and shared his thoughts on token economy. Click the news title for more details.

See you next week!


秘銀第二個社交挖礦新夥伴!與 Yeemos正式簽訂合約!


秘銀國際鍛造基金新夥伴!宣佈任命Ms. Kheng Lian Ho為董事總經理

秘銀鍛造新任董事總經理Kheng Lian Ho多年前從專業律師轉戰創投界,創辦了Kollective Venture,加入香港創投公司 Vectr Ventures,表示將在未來展開全新的策略佈局,將秘銀的生態系打造為更為完善、健康的體制。詳情請點擊新聞標題。

副總 Wilson 專訪出爐!

熱騰騰的區塊勢 blocktrend 專訪出爐囉!想知道副總 Wilson 對區塊鏈的看法及給年輕人的建議嗎?趕快點擊新聞標題!


