Go to Mixed Mental Arts
Mixed Mental Arts
Evolving better cultural software together to unleash the wisdom of crowds
Note from the editor

Evolving better cultural software together to unleash the wisdom of crowds

Go to the profile of Hunter Maats
Hunter Maats
Writer. Educator. Podcaster. Breaking down bad stories and building better ones from the pieces. #Kintsugi
Go to the profile of Martin Totland
Go to the profile of thecoolesthumans
Go to the profile of Joe Flood
Joe Flood
Reporter and CEO of N2 Communications
Go to the profile of Omar Dunne
Go to the profile of Kris Busby
Go to the profile of Adam Hansen
Adam Hansen
Co-Author, Outsmart Your Instincts. Behavioral Innovationista. Principal, VP Innovation @ideastogo. Ideation, Customer Insight + Concept Dev. Ivory tickler.
Go to the profile of Andrew Oberhoulser
Go to the profile of Nate McCabe
Go to the profile of Mixed Mental Arts
Mixed Mental Arts
Helping humans everywhere update their cultural software to survive and thrive in the Information Age. Let’s unleash the wisdom of crowds!
Go to the profile of tony kenneth molina