Go to Machine Learning and UX
Machine Learning and UX
We’re a mix of {UX, ML, Data Science, PM, more} excited about the future of Machine Learning + UX! || twitter: @mluxmeetup || newsletter: bit.ly/signupmlux || linkedin: linkedin.com/company/mlux/
Note from the editor

We’re a mix of {UX, ML, Data Science, PM, more} excited about the future of Machine Learning + UX! || twitter: @mluxmeetup || newsletter: bit.ly/signupmlux || linkedin: linkedin.com/company/mlux/

Go to the profile of mlux
Go to the profile of Amy Turner
Amy Turner
UX Researcher, graduate student at Berkeley’s I School and novice gardener
Go to the profile of Michelle Carney
Michelle Carney
Founder, Machine Learning and UX @mluxmeetup. Member @feministai. UXR @GoogleAI. Lecturer @Stanforddschool. Former @CTSPBerkeley @AFOGBerkeley @BerkeleyISchool
Go to the profile of Bob Stark
Bob Stark
Founder of Datagotchi Labs: Empowering People with Information (https://datagotchi.net)
Go to the profile of Nikki Helmer
Nikki Helmer
Technology Strategy for emerging tech @SAP former Data Science @SAP.iO
Go to the profile of Aparna Gokhale
Aparna Gokhale
Product designer, amateur gardener, foodie
Go to the profile of Andréa Delre
Andréa Delre
Digital Natif, Web addict | UX Evangelist @UXRepublic | #UX #CX #UI & #Design
Go to the profile of Meena
Aspiring Academic, PhD in Human Centered Design & Engineering. Interested in HCI, UX, writing, books, and Indian cooking!
Go to the profile of Roli Khanna
Roli Khanna
UX Researcher | ML/UX
Go to the profile of Zach Cohen
Zach Cohen
ux researcher. personal site at https://zach-cohen.com